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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201610 000 years of plant domestication: the origins of agrobiodiversity in indigenous AmazoniaClement, Charles Roland; de Cristo-Araújo, Michelly; d Eeckenbrugge, Geo Coppens; Pereira, Alessandro Alves; Picanço-Rodrigues, Doriane
19991492 and the loss of amazonian crop genetic resources. I. The relation between domestication and human population declineClement, Charles Roland
19991492 and the loss of amazonian crop genetic resources. II. Crop biogeography at contactClement, Charles Roland
1986Abacaxi (Ananas comosus)Clement, Charles Roland
1986Abiu (Pouteria caimito)Clement, Charles Roland
2008Abiu (Pouteria caimito)Clement, Charles Roland; Paull, Robert E.
1986Açaí (E. precatoria)Clement, Charles Roland
1986Açaí-do-Pará (Euterpe oleracea)Clement, Charles Roland
2003Agrobiodiversity in Amazonia and its relationships with dark earthsClement, Charles Roland; McCann, James M; Smith, Nigel J H
1998Agroforestry experiences in the Brazilian Amazon: constraints and opportunities.Smith, Nigel; Dubois, Jean; Current, Dean; Lutz, Ernst; Clement, Charles Roland
1997Allozyme variation in spineless pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes Palmae)Clement, Charles Roland; Aradhya, Mallikarjuna K.; Manshardt, Richard M.
2008Amazonian bacuris (Garcinia spp)Clement, Charles Roland
1994Amazonian fruits and nuts: Potential for domestication in various agroecosystems.Clement, Charles Roland; Villachica, Hugo
1991Amazonian fruits: a neglected, threatened and potentially rich resource requires urgent attention.Clement, Charles Roland
2016Amazonian fruits: how farmers nurture nutricional diversity on farm and in the forestShanley, Patricia; Clement, Charles Roland; Carvalho, José Edmar Urano de; Homma, Alfredo K. O.; Menezes, José Elias Amorin
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Amazonian phalloids: New records for Brazil and South AmericaCabral, Tiara Sousa; Clement, Charles Roland; Baseia, Iuri Goulart
1994Amazonian small fruits with commercial potentialClement, Charles Roland; Silva Filho, D. F. da
2009Analysis of information used in the management of plant genetic resources: A case study from northwestern Mato Grosso, BrazilVivan, Jorge Luiz; May, Peter; Cunha, Luís H.H. da; Boef, Walter Simon de; Clement, Charles Roland
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Analysis of the genetic variability of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) in the Yurimáguas region, Peru, using molecular RAPD markersSilva, Cirlande Cabral da; Doriane, Picanço Rodrigues; Clement, Charles Roland; Astolfi-Filho, Spártaco A.T.
2017Análise discriminante das características físicas e químicas de frutos de pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) do alto Rio Madeira, Rondônia, BrasilDos, Santos, Brainer William Cruz; Medeiros, Ferreira, Fábio; de, Souza, Victor Ferreira; Clement, Charles Roland; Barros, Rocha, Rodrigo