Browsing by Author Junk, Wolfgang J.

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
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2014Classificação dos Macrohabitats das Várzeas AmazônicasJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Schöngart, J; Wittmann, Florian
2014Definição e Classificação das Áreas Úmidas (AUs) Brasileiras: Base Científica para uma Nova Política de Proteção e Manejo SustentávelJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Maltchik, L.; Schongart, Jochen; Schaeffer-Novelli, Y.; Agostinho, A. A.; Nobrega, R L B; Camargo, E; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Lourival, R.; Wittmann, Florian; Kandus, P.; Lacerda, L. D.; Bozelli, R. L.; Esteves, F. A.; Cunha, Catia Nunes da
1983Distribution of fish species in a lake of the Amazon river floodplain near Manaus (Lago Camaleão), with special reference to extreme oxygen conditionsJunk, Wolfgang J.; Soares, Gercilia M.; Carvalho, Francisco M.
1993Herbaceous plants of the Amazon floodplain near Manaus: Species diversity and adaptations to the flood pulseJunk, Wolfgang J.; Piedade, Maria T. F.
1992A ictiofauna do rio Trombetas na área de influência da futura usina hidrelétrica de Cachoeira Porteira, ParáFerreira, Efrem Jorge Gondim
1999Mammals, reptiles and amphibians of the Amazon floodplain.Junk, W J; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da
2010Manual de árvores de várzea da Amazônia Central: taxonomia, ecologia e usoWittmann, Florian; Schöngart, Jochen; Brito, Joneide M. de; Wittmann, Astrid de Oliveira; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.; Guillaumet, Jean-Louis
1999Nachruf/Obituary Dr. Hans Klinge (1928-1999)Junk, Wolfgang J.
2010Nitrogen Balance of a Floodplain Forest of the Amazon River: The Role of Nitrogen FixationKern, Jurgen; Kreibich, Heidi; Koschorrech, Matthias; Darwich, Assad José
1989Nutrient dynamics of decomposing leaves from Amazonian floodplain forest species in waterFurch, Karin; Junk, Wolfgang J.; Campos, Zélia E. S.
2022A review of the ecological and biogeographic differences of Amazonian floodplain forestsWittmann, Florian; Householder, John Ethan; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Schöngart, Jochen; Demarchi, Layon Oreste; Quaresma, Adriano Costa; Junk, Wolfgang J.
2022Riparian wetlands of low-order streams in Brazil: extent, hydrology, vegetation cover, interactions with streams and uplands, and threatsJunk, Wolfgang J.; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Schöngart, Jochen; Cunha, Catia Nunes da; Goncalves, Stela Rosa Amaral; Wantzen, Karl Matthias; Wittmann, Florian
1983Sedimentological studies of the "Ilha de Marchantaria" in the Solimões/Amazon River near ManausIron, Georg; Adis, Joachim; Junk, Wolfgang J.; Wunderlich, Friedrich
1983Sensonal variation in the major cation (Na,K,Mg and Ca) content of the water of Lago Camaleao, am Amazonian floodplain- lake near Manaus, BrazilFurch, Karin; Junk, Wolfgang J.; Dieterich, Johannes; Kochert, Norbert
1985Temporary fat storage, an adaptation of some fish species to the waterlevel fluctuations and related environmental changes of the Amazon riverJunk, Wolfgang J.
manejo_sustentável_das_varzeas.pdf.jpg2020Várzeas Amazônicas: Desafios para um Manejo SustentávelJunk, Wolfgang J.; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Wittmann, Florian; Schöngart, Jochen