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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1991 | Amazon Fish Parasites | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
 | 1998 | Amphimerus bragai N. Sp. (Digenea: Opisthorchiidae), a Parasite of the Rodent Nectomys squamipes (Cricetidae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil | Moraes-Neto, Antonio Henrique Almeida de; Thatcher, Vernon E.; Lanfredi, Reinalda Marisa |
| 1998 | Amphistomes as species markers of the serrasalmid fish, Myleus ternetzi (NORMAN), from French Guiana, with descriptions of two new species and one new genus | Thatcher, Vernon E.; Jegú, Michel |
| 1998 | Amphistomes as species markers of the serrasalmid fish, Myleus ternetzi (NORMAN), from French Guiana, with descriptions of two new species and one new genus | Thatcher, Vernon E.; Jégu, Michel |
| 2002 | Anphira junki n.sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of Triportheus albus and T. flavus (Pisces) in the Brazilian Amazon | Araujo, Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de; Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1995 | Anphira xinguensis sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of an Amazonian serrasalmid fish, Ossubtus xinguense JÉGU, 1992 | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1995 | Anphira xinguensis sp.nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of an Amazonian serrasalmid fish, Ossubtus xinguense Jegu, 1992 | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1999 | Artystone bolivianensis n.sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) from a loricariid catfish of the Bolivian Amazon | Thatcher, Vernon E.; Schindler, Ingo |
| 1988 | Artystone minima n. sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a body cavity parasite of the pencil fish (Nannostomus beckfordi GUENTHER) from the Brazilian Amazon | Thatcher, Vernon E.; Carvalho, Miriam Leal |
| 1988 | Asotana magnifica n. sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae ) an unusual Parasite (Commensal?) of the buccal Cavities of Piranhas (Serrasalmus sp.) from Roraima, Brazil | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1988 | Bacudacnitis grandistornis gen. et sp. nov. (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) parasita intestinal de um bagre, Pseudodoras niger (VALENCIENNES) da Amazonia brasileira | Ferraz, Evaldete; Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1996 | Braga amapaensis n. sp. (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) a mouth cavity parasite of the Amazonian fish, Acestrorhynchus guyanensis MENEZES, with a redefinition of the genus Braga | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1990 | Camallanus acaudatus sp. n. (Nematoda, Camallanidae) e uma descrição do macho de Camallanus tridentatus (DRASCHE, 1884), parasitas de peixes da Amazônia Brasileira | Ferraz, Evaldete; Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1998 | Comparative morphology of three native lernaeids (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) from amazonian fishes and descriptions of two new genera | Thatcher, Vernon E.; Williams, Ernest H. |
| 1995 | Comparative pleopod morphology of eleven species of parasitic isopods from Brazilian fish | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1995 | Comparative pleopod morphology of eleven species of parasitic isopods from Brazilian fish | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1998 | Description of adults of Octospiniferoides incognita Schmidt & Hugghins, 1973, (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from a fish of Rondônia State, Brazil | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1998 | Description of adults of Octospiniferoides incognita SCHMIDT & HUGGHINS, 1973, (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) frorn a fish of Rondônia State, Brazil | Thatcher, Vernon E. |
| 1996 | Intestinal helminths as population markers of the Amazonian fish Mylesinus paraschomburgkii, with descriptions of five new genera and seven new species of trematodes | Thatcher, Vernon E.; Jegú, Michel |
| 1996 | Intestinal helminths as population markers of the Amazonian fish Mylesinus paraschomburgkii, with descriptions of five new genera and seven new species of trematodes | Thatcher, Vernon E.; Jégu, Michel |