Browsing by Subject Deforestation

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Showing results 31 to 50 of 174 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Carbon benefits from Amazonian forest reserves: Leakage accounting and the value of timeFearnside, Philip Martin
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Carbon sequestration potential of second-growth forest regeneration in the Latin American tropicsChazdon, Robin L.; Broadbent, Eben N.; Rozendaal, Danaë M.A.; Bongers, Frans; Zambrano, Angélica María Almeyda; Aide, T. Mitchell; Balvanera, Patricia; Becknell, Justin M.; Boukili, Vanessa K.S.; Brancalion, Pedro Henrique Santin; Craven, Dylan; Almeida-Cortez, J. S.; Cabral, George A.L.; Jong, Ben H.J. de; Denslow, Julie Sloan; Dent, Daisy H.; DeWalt, Saara J.; Dupuy, Juan Manuel; Durán, Sandra Milena; Espírito-Santo, Mário M.; Fandiño, María C.; César, Ricardo Gomes; Hall, Jefferson Scott; Hernández-Stefanoni, José Luis; Jakovac, Catarina Conte; Junqueira, André Braga; Kennard, Deborah K.; Letcher, Susan G.; Lohbeck, Madelon; Martínez-Ramos, Miguel; Massoca, Paulo E.S.; Meave, Jorge A.; Mesquita, Rita de Cássia Guimarães; Mora, Francisco; Muñoz, Rodrigo; Muscarella, Robert A.; Nunes, Yule Roberta Ferreira; Ochoa-Gaona, Susana; Orihuela-Belmonte, Edith; Pena-Claros, Marielos; Pérez-García, Eduardo A.; Piotto, Daniel; Powers, Jennifer Sarah; Rodríguez-Velázquez, Jorge Enrique; Romero-Pérez, Isabel Eunice; Ruíz, Jorge; Saldarriaga, Juan Guillermo; Sanchez-Azofeifa, A.; Schwartz, Naomi B.; Steininger, Marc K.; Swenson, Nathan G.; Uríarte, Ma?ia; Van Breugel, Michiel; van der Wal, Hans; Veloso, Maria das Dores Magalhães; Vester, Henricus Franciscus Maria; Guimarães Vieira, Ima Cèlia; Bentos, Tony Vizcarra; Williamson, G. Bruce; Poorter, L.
2015Carbon stock loss from deforestation through 2013 in Brazilian AmazoniaNogueira, Euler Melo; Yanai, Aurora Miho; Fonseca, Frederico O.R.; Fearnside, Philip Martin
1996Carbon uptake by secondary forests in Brazilian AmazoniaFearnside, Philip Martin; Guimarães, Walba Malheiros
2018Challenges for sustainable development in Brazilian AmazoniaFearnside, Philip Martin
1991Changes in soil pore-space distribution following deforestation and revegetation: An example from the Central Amazon Basin, BrazilChauvel, Armand; Grimaldi, Michel; Tessier, Daniel
artigo-inpa6.pdf.jpg2020Characterization of the radiative impact of aerosols on CO2 and energy fluxes in the Amazon deforestation arch using artificial neural networksKerches Braghiere, Renato; Yamasoe, Márcia Akemi; Manuel Évora do Rosário, Nilton; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; de Souza Nogueira, Jose; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de
1989The charcoal of Carajas: a threat to the forests of Brazil's eastern Amazon regionFearnside, Philip Martin
Coarse.pdf.jpg2018Coarse- and fine-scale patterns of distribution and habitat selection places an Amazonian floodplain curassow in double jeopardyLeite, Gabriel Augusto; Farias, Izeni P.; Gonçalves, André Luis Sousa; Hawes, Joseph E.; Peres, Carlos A.
1995Complex edge effects on soil moisture and microclimate in central Amazonian forestCamargo, José Luís Campana; Kapos, Valerie
1991Consequences of clearing and tillage on the soil of a natural Amazonian ecosystemDa, Paulo F.; Cerri, Carlos C.; Volkoff, Boris; Andreux, Francis G.; Chauvel, Armand
2016Contrasting fire damage and fire susceptibility between seasonally flooded forest and upland forest in the Central Amazon using portable profiling LiDARAlmeida, Danilo Roberti Alves de; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Schietti, Juliana; Görgens, Eric Bastos; Resende, Angélica Faria de; Stark, Scott C.; Valbuena, Rubén
Mar-2024Cutting of dry forests in a semiarid region of northeastern BrazilNogueira, Euler Melo; Clemente, Carlos Magno Santos; Yanai, Aurora Miho; Fearnside, Philip Martin
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Deforestation and Carbon Loss in Southwest Amazonia: Impact of Brazil’s Revised Forest CodeRoriz, Pedro Augusto Costa; Yanai, Aurora Miho; Fearnside, Philip Martin
Deforestation.pdf.jpg2017Deforestation and Carbon Stock Loss in Brazil’s Amazonian SettlementsYanai, Aurora Miho; Nogueira, Euler Melo; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de; Fearnside, Philip Martin
2009Deforestation and conservation in major watersheds of the Brazilian AmazonTrancoso, Ralph; Carneiro Filho, Arnaldo; Tomasella, J.; Schietti, Juliana; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Miller, Robert Pritchard
2015Deforestation and Forest Fires in Roraima and Their Relationship with Phytoclimatic Regions in the Northern Brazilian AmazonBarni, Paulo Eduardo; Pereira, Vaneza Barreto; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Barbosa, Reinaldo Imbrozio
1996Deforestation and methane release from termites in AmazoniaMartius, Christopher; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Bandeira, Adelmar Gomes; Waßmann, Reiner
2007Deforestation and sewage effects on aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban streams in Manaus, Amazonas, BrazilCouceiro, Sheyla R.M.; Hamada, Neusa; Luz, Sérgio Luíz Bessa; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Pimentel, Tânia Pena
2003Deforestation control in Mato Grosso: A new model for slowing the loss of Brazil's Amazon ForestFearnside, Philip Martin