Browsing by Subject Organic Matter

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Showing results 14 to 16 of 16 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Physiological action of dissolved organic matter in rainbow trout in the presence and absence of copper: Sodium uptake kinetics and unidirectional flux rates in hard and softwaterMatsuo, Aline Y.O.; Playle, Richard C.; Val, Adalberto Luis; Wood, Chris M.
1996Sedimentation and pedogenesis in a Central Amazonian Black water basinChauvel, Armand; Walker, Ilse; Lucas, Yves
1995Transformations of nitrogen fertilizers in brazilian amazonia soilsAlfaia, Sonia Sena; Jacquin, Fernand; Guiraud, Gérard