Browsing by Subject Relative Abundance
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Abundance of liana species in an Amazonian forest of Brazil reflects neither adventitious root nor foliar sprout production | Piovesan, Paulo Ricardo Rodrigues; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Burnham, Robyn Jeanette; Ferraz, Isolde Dorothea Kossmann | |
2014 | Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities along a pedo-hydrological gradient in a Central Amazonian terra firme forest | Oliveira Freitas, Rejane de; Buscardo, Erika; Nagy, László; dos Santos Maciel, Alex Bruno; Carrenho, Rosilaine; Luizâo, Regina Celi Costa | |
![]() | 2015 | Characterization of active and total fungal communities in the atmosphere over the Amazon rainforest | Womack, Ann M.; Artaxo, Paulo; Ishida, Francoise Yoko; Mueller, Rebecca C.; Saleska, Scott Reid; Wiedemann, Kenia T.; Bohannan, Brendan J.M.; Green, Jessica L. |
2007 | Deforestation and sewage effects on aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban streams in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil | Couceiro, Sheyla R.M.; Hamada, Neusa; Luz, Sérgio Luíz Bessa; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Pimentel, Tânia Pena | |
2015 | Diversity of understory birds in old stands of native and Eucalyptus plantations | Lopes, Ileyne Tenório; Gussoni, Carlos Otávio Araujo; Demarchi, Layon Oreste; Almeida, Alexandre Cristine de; Pizo, Marco Aurélio | |
2016 | Edge and land use effects on dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Brazilian cerrado vegetation | Martello, Felipe; Andriolli, Fernando Sarti; Souza, Thamyrys Bezerra de; Dodonov, Pavel; Ribeiro, Milton Cezar | |
2004 | The effects of fire on behaviour and relative abundance of three lizard species in an Amazonian savanna | Faria, Allessandra Saraiva; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Magnusson, William Ernest | |
2012 | Herbivory, growth rates, and habitat specialization in tropical tree lineages: Implications for Amazonian beta-diversity | Lamarre, Greg P.A.; Baraloto, Christopher; Fortunel, Claire; Dávila, Nállarett; Mesones, Italo; Rios, Julio Grandez; Ríos, Marcos; Valderrama, Elvis; Pilco, Magno Vásquez; Van Antwerp Fine, Paul | |
2005 | Home-range size, response to fire, and habitat preferences of wintering Henslow's Sparrows | Bechtoldt, Catherine L.; Stouffer, Philip C. | |
![]() | 2012 | Implications of habitat fragmentation on the diet of bearded saki monkeys in central Amazonian forest | Boyle, Sarah Ann; Zartman, Charles Eugene; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Smith, Andrew T. |
2012 | Invasive bullfrogs as predators in a Neotropical assemblage: What frog species do they eat? | Boelter, Ruben Alexandre; Kaefer, Igor L.; Both, Camila; Cechin, Sônia Zanini | |
2006 | Metapopulation extinction thresholds in rain forest remnants | Zartman, Charles Eugene; Shaw, A. Jonathan | |
2020 | Neogene paleoecology and biogeography of a Malvoid pollen in northwestern South America | Espinosa, Bruno S.; D'Apolito, Carlos; Silva-Caminha, Silane Aparecida Fda; Ferreira, Marcos Gonçalves; Absy, Maria Lúcia | |
2019 | Patterns of nitrogen-fixing tree abundance in forests across Asia and America | Menge, Duncan N.L.; Chisholm, Ryan A.; Davies, Stuart James; Salim, Kamariah Abu; Allen, David N.; Alvarez, Mauricio; Bourg, Norman A.; Brockelman, Warren Y.; Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh; Butt, Nathalie; Cao, Min; Chanthorn, Wirong; Chao, Weichun; Clay, Keith; Condit, Richard S.; Cordell, Susan; Silva, João Batista da; Dattaraja, Handanakere Shavaramaiah; Andrade, Ana Cristina Segalin de; Oliveira, Alexandre Adalardo de; den Ouden, Jan H.B.; Drescher, Michael; Fletcher, Christine Dawn; Giardina, Christian P.; Savitri Gunatilleke, C. V.; Gunatilleke, I. A.U.Nimal; Hau, Billy Chi Hang; He, Fangliang; Howe, Robert W.; Hsieh, Changfu; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Inman-Narahari, Faith M.; Jansen, Patrick A.; Johnson, Daniel J.; Kong, Lee Sing; Král, Kamil; Ku, Chen Chia; Lai, Jiangshan; Larson, Andrew J.; Li, Xiankun; Li, Yide; Lin, Luxiang; Lin, Yiching; Liu, Shirong; Lum, Shawn Kaihekulani Yamauchi; Lutz, James A.; Ma, Keping; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; McMahon, Sean M.; McShea, William J.; Mi, Xiangcheng; Morecroft, Michael D.; Myers, Jonathan A.; Nathalang, Anuttara; Novotný, Vojt?ch; Ong, Perry Sim; Orwig, David A.; Ostertag, Rebecca; Parker, Geoffrey G.; Phillips, Richard P.; Abd-Rahman, Kassim; Sack, Lawren; Sang, Weiguo; Shen, G.; Shringi, Ankur; Shue, Jessica; Su, Sheng Hsin; Sukumar, Raman; Sun, I. Fang; Suresh, Hebbalalu Sathyanarayana; Tan, Sylvester Kheng San; Thomas, Sean C.; Toko, Pagi S.; Valencia, Renato L.; Vallejo, Martha Isabel; Vicentini, Alberto; Vrška, Tomáš; Wang, Bingbing; Wang, Xihua; Weiblen, George D.; Wolf, Amy T.; Xu, Han; Yap, Sandra L.; Zhu, Li; Fung, Tak | |
2012 | Persistence and stability of cichlid assemblages in neotropical floodplain lagoons | Lourenço, Luzia da Silva; Fernandes, Izaias Médice; Penha, Jerry Magno Ferreira; Mateus, L. A.F. | |
2017 | A study of Culicoides in Rondônia, in the Brazilian Amazon: species composition, relative abundance and potential vectors | Carvalho, L. P.C.; Pereira Júnior, Antonio Marques; Farias, Emanuelle de Sousa; Almeida, Jéssica Feijó; Rodrigues, Moreno S.; Resadore, Fábio; Pessoa, Felipe Arley Costa; Medeiros, Jansen Fernandes de |