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Showing results 11 to 30 of 53 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Differential survivorship of congeneric ornamental fishes under forecasted climate changes are related to anaerobic potentialGonçalves, Luciana Mara Fé; Silva, Maria de Nazaré Paula da; Val, Adalberto Luis; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e
2006Does radio tagging affect the survival or reproduction of small cetaceans? A testMartin, Anthony Richard; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Rothery, Peter R.
2015Drought Impacts Survivorship and Reproductive Strategies of an Epiphyllous Leafy Liverwort in Central AmazoniaZartman, Charles Eugene; Amaral, July A.; Figueiredo, José N.; Sales Dambros, Cristian de
1991The ecology of a cryptic predator, Paleosuchus trigonatus, in a tropical rainforestMagnusson, William Ernest; Lima, Albertina Pimental
2018Effect of distance to edge and edge interaction on seedling regeneration and biotic damage in tropical rainforest fragments: A long-term experimentBenítez-Malvido, Julieta; Lázaro, Amparo; Ferraz, Isolde Dorothea Kossmann
2013Effect of illegal harvest on apparent survival of Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis)Mintzer, Vanessa J.; Martin, Anthony Richard; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Barbour, Andrew B.; Lorenzen, Kai; Frazer, Thomas Kerry
2016Effect of stocking density and vertical substrate addition on growth performance and health status of fat snook Centropomus parallelusPinho, Sara Mello; Brol, Jéssica; Almeida, Evelyn Jacques de; Mello, Giovanni Lemos de; Jerônimo, Gabriela Tomas; Emerenciano, Maur?cio
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2020Effects of a regenerating matrix on the survival of birds in tropical forest fragmentsWolfe, Jared D.; Stouffer, Philip C.; Bierregaard, Richard O.; Luther, David Andrew; Lovejoy, Thomas E.
2017Effects of climate change on leaf breakdown by microorganisms and the shredder Phylloicus elektoros (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae)Martins, Renato Tavares; Melo, Adriano Sanches; Gonçalves, José Francisco Júnior; Campos, Claudimir Menezes; Hamada, Neusa
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2009Effects of crude oil on survival, morphology, and anatomy of two aquatic macrophytes from the Amazon floodplainsLopes, Aline; Rosa-Osman, Sônia Maciel da; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez
2011Effects of Water pH and Hardness on Infection of Silver Catfish, Rhamdia quelen, Fingerlings by Ichthyophthirius multifiliisGarcia, Luciano; Becker, Alexssandro Geferson; Cunha, Mauro Alves da; Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Copatti, Carlos Eduardo; Kochhann, Daiani
2014Experimental study on the survival of the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms—Pontederiaceae) under different oil doses and times of exposureLopes, Aline; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez
2017Exposure to waterborne copper and high temperature induces the formation of reactive oxygen species and causes mortality in the Amazonian fish Hoplosternum littoraleBraz-Mota, Susana; Fé, Luciana Mara Lopes; Delunardo, Frederico Augusto Cariello; Sadauskas-Henrique, Helen; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis
2003Galling insects (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) survive inundation during host plant flooding in Central AmazoniaCogni, Rodrigo; Fernandes, G. Wilson; Vieira, Daniel Luís Mascia; Marinelli, Carlos Eduardo; Jurinitz, Cristiane Follmann; Ruiz-Guerra, Betsabé; Zuanon, Jansen; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins
2013Growth rates of black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) and spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus) from two different Amazonian flooded habitatsThorbjarnarson, John B.; Silveira, Ronis da; Campos, Zilca M.S.; Magnusson, William Ernest
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013Growth, biomass partitioning and photosynthesis of young plants of Genipa spruceana subjected to floodingGonçalves, José Francisco de Carvalho; Freitas, Melo, Emanuelle Gurgel de; Ferreira, Marciel José; Silva, Carlos Eduardo Moura da; Barroncas, Gomes, Iane
2013Habitat specifity, endemism and the neotropical distribution of Amazonian white-water floodplain treesWittmann, Florian Karl; Householder, John Ethan; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez; Assis, Rafael Leandro de; Schöngart, Jochen; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes
2011Harpy eagle-primate interactions in the central amazonLenz, Bryan Bernard; Marajó, Alaercio dos Reis
1996The impact of ticks on Bufo marinus from native habitatsLampo, Margarita; Bayliss, Peter G.
2006The influence of dietary vitamin C and E supplementation on the physiological response of pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, in net cultureMenezes, Glauber Cruz de; Tavares-Dias, Marcos; Ono, Eduardo Akifumi; Andrade, Jaqueline Inês Alves de; Brasil, Elenice Martins; Roubach, Rodrigo; Urbinati, E. C.; Marcon, Jaydione Luíz; Affonso, Elizabeth Gusmão