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2014Validating forest types based on geological and land-form features in central AmazoniaFigueiredo, Fernando Oliveira Gouvêa; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Pimentel, Tânia Pena
2000Variation in nutrient distribution and potential nutrient losses by selective logging in a humid tropical forest of Rondônia, BrazilMartinelli, Luiz Antônio; Almeida, Sérgio A.S.; Brown, Irving Foster; Moreira, Marcelo Z.; Victória, Reynaldo Luiz; Filoso, Solange; Ferreira, C. A.C.; Thomas, William Wayt
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of above-ground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation modelsJohnson, Michelle O.; Galbraith, David R.; Gloor, Manuel E.; Deurwaerder, Hannes de; Guimberteau, Matthieu; Rammig, Anja; Thonicke, Kirsten; Verbeeck, Hans; Randow, Celso Von; Monteagudo, Abel Lorenzo; Phillips, Oliver L.; Brienen, Roel J.W.; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Fauset, Sophie; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Ciais, Philippe; Sampaio, Gilvan de Oliveira; Kruijt, Bart J.; Meir, Patrick W.; Moorcroft, Paul R.; Zhang, Ke; Alvarez, Esteban; Alves de Oliveira, Atila; Amaral, Iêda Leão do; Andrade, Ana C.S.; Aragao, L. E.O.C.; Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro; Arets, Eric J.M.M.; Arroyo, Luzmila P.; Aymard, Gerardo Antonio C.; Baraloto, Christopher; Barroso, Jorcely; Bonal, Damien; Boot, René G.A.; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Chave, Jérôme; Cogollo, Álvaro; Cornejo-Valverde, Fernando; Costa, Antônio Carlos Lôla da; Di Fiore, Anthony; Ferreira, Leandro Valle; Higuchi, Niro; Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.; Killeen, Timothy J.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Laurance, William F.; Licona, Juan Carlos; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Marimon, Ben Hur; Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes; Matos, Darley Calderado Leal; Mendoza, Casimiro; Neill, David A.; Pardo, Guido; Pena-Claros, Marielos; Pitman, Nigel C.A.; Poorter, L.; Prieto, Adriana; Ramírez-Angulo, Hirma; Roopsind, Anand; Rudas, Agustín; Salomão, Rafael Paiva; Silveira, Marcos; Stropp, Juliana; ter Steege, H.; Terborgh, John W.; Thomas, Raquel S.; Toledo, Marisol; Torres-Lezama, Armando; Van Der Heijden, Geertje M.F.; Vásquez, Rodolfo V.; Guimarães Vieira, Ima Cèlia; Vilanova, Emilio; Vos, Vincent A.; Baker, Timothy R.
2004Variation of carbon and nitrogen cycling processes along a topographic gradient in a central Amazonian forestLuizâo, Regina Celi Costa; Luizão, Flávio Jesus; Paiva, Romilda Q.; Monteiro, Terezinha F.; Sousa, Lucinéia S.; Kruijt, Bart J.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Variations in Amazon forest productivity correlated with foliar nutrients and modelled rates of photosynthetic carbon supplyMercado, Lina; Patiño, Sandra; null, Tomas; Fyllas, Nikolaos M.; Weedon, Graham P.; Sitch, Stephen A.; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Phillips, Oliver L.; Aragao, L. E.O.C.; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Dolman, A. Johannes; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Saleska, Scott Reid; Baker, Timothy R.; Almeida, Samuel Miranda; Higuchi, Niro; Lloyd, Jon
2009Vegetation profiles in tropical forests from multibaseline interferometric synthetic aperture radar, field, and lidar measurementsTreuhaft, Robert N.; Chapman, Bruce D.; Santos, João Roberto dos; Gonçalves, Fábio Guimarães; Vieira Dutra, Luciano; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de; Drake, Jason B.
2012What controls tropical forest architecture? Testing environmental, structural and floristic driversBanin, Lindsay F.; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Baker, Timothy R.; Lloyd, Jon; Affum-Baffoe, Kofi; Arets, Eric J.M.M.; Berry, Nicholas J.; Bradford, Matt G.; Brienen, Roel J.W.; Davies, Stuart James; Drescher, Michael; Higuchi, Niro; Hilbert, David W.; Hladik, Annette; Iida, Yoshiko; Salim, Kamariah Abu; Kassim, Abd Rahman; King, David A.; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Metcalfe, Daniel J.; Nilus, Reuben; Peh, Kelvin S.H.; Reitsma, Jan M.; Sonké, Bonaventure; Taedoumg, Hermann E.; Tan, Sylvester Kheng San; White, Lee J.T.; Wöll, Hannsjörg; Lewis, Simon L.
2013What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux networkRestrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Hutyra, Lucy R.; Araujo, Alessandro C. da; Borma, Laura de Simone; Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Camargo, Plínio Barbosa de; Cardoso, Fernando Luiz; Costa, Antônio Carlos Lôla da; Fitzjarrald, David Roy; Goulden, Michael L.; Kruijt, Bart J.; Maia, Jair Max Furtunato; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Miller, Scott Dennis; Nobre, Antônio Donato; Von Randow, Celso; Sá, Leonardo Deane Abreu; Sakai, Ricardo K.; Tóta, Júlio; Wofsy, Steven C.; Zanchi, Fabrício Berton; Saleska, Scott Reid
2013What is at stake for Brazilian Amazonia in the climate negotiationsFearnside, Philip Martin
2016When less means more: Reduction of both effort and survey methods boosts efficiency and diversity of harvestmen in a tropical forestPorto, Willians; Pequeno, Pedro Aurélio Costa Lima; Tourinho, A. L.
2012The width of riparian habitats for understory birds in an Amazonian forestBueno, Anderson Saldanha; Bruno, Renato Saragoça; Pimentel, Tânia Pena; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete; Magnusson, William Ernest
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Windthrows control biomass patterns and functional composition of Amazon forestsMarra, Daniel Magnabosco; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Higuchi, Niro; Ribeiro, Gabriel Henrique Pires de Mello; Negrón-Juárez, Robinson I.; Holzwarth, Frédéric M.; Rifai, Sami Walid; Santos, Joaquim dos; Lima, Adriano José Nogueira; Kinupp, Valdely Ferreira; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Wirth, Christian B.
2011Within-canopy sesquiterpene ozonolysis in AmazoniaJardine, Kolby J.; Yáñez-Serrano, Ana Maria; Arneth, Almuth; Abrell, Leif; Jardine, Angela B.; van Haren, Joost L.M.; Artaxo, Paulo; Rizzo, L. V.; Ishida, Francoise Yoko; Karl, Thomas G.; Kesselmeier, Jürgen; Saleska, Scott Reid; Huxman, Travis E.
2011Yanomami Mobility and Its Effects on the Forest LandscapeNilsson, Maurice Seiji Tomioka; Fearnside, Philip Martin