Browsing by Subject Atmosphere-biosphere Interaction

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999Carbon dioxide measurements in the noctural boundary layer over Amazonian forestCulf, Alistair D.; Fisch, Gilberto Fernando; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Costa, Rafael Carvalho; Nobre, Antônio Donato; Marques Filho, Ari de Oliveira; Gash, John H.C.; Grace, John
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Diel and seasonal changes of biogenic volatile organic compounds within and above an Amazonian rainforestYáñez-Serrano, Ana Maria; Nölscher, Anke C.; Williams, Jonathan C.; Wolff, Stefan; Alves, Eliane Gomes; Martins, Giordane Augusto; Bourtsoukidis, Efstratios; Brito, Joel F.; Jardine, Kolby J.; Artaxo, Paulo; Kesselmeier, Jürgen
2004Ecological research in the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia: Early resultsKeller, Michael; Alencar, Ane A.C.; Asner, Gregory P.; Braswell, Bobby H.; Bustamante, Mercedes M.C.; Davidson, Eric Aa; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Fernandes, Erick C.M.; Goulden, Michael L.; Kabat, Pavel; Kruijt, Bart J.; Luizão, Flávio Jesus; Miller, Scott Dennis; Markewitz, Daniel; Nobre, Antônio Donato; Nobre, Carlos Afonso; Priante-Filho, Nicolau; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Silva Dias, Pedro Leite da; Randow, Celso Von; Vourlitis, George Louis
2004Modeling carbon sequestration over the large-scale Amazon basin, aided by satellite observations. Part I: Wet- and dry-season surface radiation budget flux and precipitation variability based on GOES retrievalsGu, Jiujing; Smith, Eric A.; Cooper, Harry J.; Grose, Andrew M.E.; Liu, Guosheng; Merritt, James D.; Waterloo, M. J.; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Nobre, Antônio Donato; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Marengo, José António; Oliveira, Paulo J. de; Randow, Celso Von; Norman, John M.; Silva Dias, Pedro Leite da
2009On the temporal scale of the turbulent exchange of carbon dioxide and energy above a tropical rain forest in AmazoniaCampos, José Galúcio; Acevedo, Otávio C.; Tóta, Júlio; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar
2009Patterns of water and heat flux across a biome gradient from tropical forest to savanna in brazilRocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Miller, Scott Dennis; Goulden, Michael L.; Saleska, Scott Reid; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Wofsy, Steven C.; Borma, Laura de Simone; Artaxo, Paulo; Vourlitis, George Louis; Nogueira, J. S.; Cardoso, Fernando Luiz; Nobre, Antônio Donato; Kruijt, Bart J.; Freitas, Helber Custódio de; Randow, Celso Von; Aguiar, Renata Gonçalves; Maia, Jair Max Furtunato
2012Predicting land cover changes in the Amazon rainforest: An ocean-atmosphere-biosphere problemPereira, Marcos Paulo Santos; Malhado, Ana Cláudia Mendes; Costa, Marcos Heil
2004Variation in potential for isoprene emissions among Neotropical forest sitesHarley, Peter C.; Vasconcellos, Pérola de Castro; Vierling, Lee Alexander; Pinheiro, Carlos Cleomir de S.; Greenberg, James P.; Guenther, Alex B.; Klinger, Lee F.; Almeida, Samuel Soares de; Neill, David A.; Baker, Timothy R.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh