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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Blowdown disturbance effect on the density, richness and species composition of the seed bank in Central AmazoniaBordon, Natali Gomes; Nogueira, Anselmo; Filho, Niwton Leal; Higuchi, Niro
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Characterization of glued laminated panels produced with strips of bamboo (Guadua magna) native from the Brazilian CerradoTeixeira, Divino Eterno; Bastos, Rodrigo Pinheiro; Almeida, Sergio Alberto de Oliveira
2014Edge effects in the primate community of the biological dynamics of forest fragments project, Amazonas, BrazilLenz, Bryan Bernard; Jack, Katharine M.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto
2002Effects of selective logging on populations of two tropical understory herbs in an Amazonian forestCosta, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Senna, Cristina; Nakkazono, Erika Matsuno
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1994Estratificação E Densidade De Invertebrados Em Solo Arenoso Sob Floresta Primária E Plantios Arbóreos Na Amazônia Central Durante A Estação SecaHarada, Ana Yoshi; Bandeira, Adelmar Gomes
2017How do seasonality, substrate, and management history influence macrofungal fruiting assemblages in a central Amazonian Forest?Komura, Dirce Leimi; Moncalvo, Jean Marc; Sales Dambros, Cristian de; Bento, Larissa S.; Neves, Maria Alice; Zartman, Charles Eugene
2019Impacts of soil compaction persist 30 years after logging operations in the Amazon BasinDeArmond, Daniel; Emmert, Fabiano; Lima, Adriano José Nogueira; Higuchi, Niro
2016Landscape-scale consequences of differential tree mortality from catastrophic wind disturbance in the AmazonRifai, Sami Walid; Urquiza-Mu?oz, Jos? D.; Negrón-Juárez, Robinson I.; Ramirez Arevalo, Fredy Francisco; Rodil, Tello-espinoza,; Vanderwel, Mark C.; Lichstein, Jeremy W.; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Bohlman, Stephanie Ann
2017Reply to Schöngart et al.: Forest resilience variation across Amazonian floodplainsFlores, Bernardo Monteiro; Holmgren, Milena; Xu, Chi; Nes, Egbert H Van; Jakovac, Catarina Conte; Mesquita, Rita de Cássia Guimarães; Scheffer, Marten
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Resíduos madeireiros do alburno de pau-rainha (Brosimum rubescens): investigação de metabólitos secundários e alguns aspectos tecnológicosHayasida, Willian; Lima, Maria da Paz; Nascimento, Claudete Catanhede Do; Ferreira, Antonio Gilberto
1990Spatial organization and population density of the fish community of the litter banks within a central Amazonian blackwater streamHenderson, Peter A.; Walker, Ilse
2005Wood density in dense forest in central Amazonia, BrazilNogueira, Euler Melo; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Fearnside, Philip Martin