Navegando por Assunto Light Effect
Mostrando resultados 1 a 8 de 8
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2020 | Effects of natural light and depth on rates of photo-oxidation of dissolved organic carbon in a major black-water river, the Rio Negro, Brazil | Johannsson, Ora E.; Ferreira, Márcio Soares; Smith, David Scott; Crémazy, Anne; Wood, Chris M.; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
2019 | Examining the microclimate hypothesis in Amazonian birds: indirect tests of the ‘visual constraints’ mechanism | Rutt, Cameron L.; Midway, Stephen R.; Jirinec, Vitek; Wolfe, Jared D.; Stouffer, Philip C. | |
2019 | Functional traits associated to photosynthetic plasticity of young Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) plants | Souza Lopes, Jussara de; Costa, Karen Cristina Pires da; Fernandes, Vinícius Souza; Gonçalves, José Francisco de Carvalho | |
2015 | Highly reactive light-dependent monoterpenes in the Amazon | Jardine, Angela B.; Jardine, Kolby J.; Fuentes, José D.; Martin, Scot T.; Martins, Giordane Augusto; Durgante, Flávia Machado; Carneiro, Vilany Matilla Colares; Higuchi, Niro; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin | |
2006 | Hydraulically based stomatal oscillations and stomatal patchiness in Gossypium hirsutum | Marenco, Ricardo Antonio; Siebke, Katharina; Farquhar, Graham Douglas; Ball, Marilyn C. | |
2015 | Linking canopy leaf area and light environments with tree size distributions to explain Amazon forest demography | Stark, Scott C.; Enquist, Brian J.; Saleska, Scott Reid; Leitold, Veronika; Schietti, Juliana; Longo, Marcos; Alves, Luciana Ferreira; Camargo, Plínio Barbosa de; Oliveira, Raimundo Cosme | |
2014 | Mechanisms of water supply and vegetation demand govern the seasonality and magnitude of evapotranspiration in Amazonia and Cerrado | Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Arain, Muhammad Altaf; Baker, Ian T.; Cestaro, Bruno P.; Ciais, Philippe; Fisher, Joshua B.; Galbraith, David R.; Guan, Xiaodan; Gulden, Lindsey E.; Van Den Hurk, B. J.J.M.; Ichii, Kazuhito; Imbuzeiro, Hewlley Maria Acioli; Jain, Atul K.; Levine, Naomi Marcil; Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo; Poulter, Benjamin; Roberti, Débora Regina; Sakaguchi, Koichi; Sahoo, Alok Kumar; Schaefer, Kevin M.; Shi, Mingjie; Verbeeck, Hans; Yang, Zongliang; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Kruijt, Bart J.; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Randow, Celso Von; Muza, Michel Nobre; Borak, Jordan S.; Costa, Marcos Heil; Gonçalves, Luis Gustavo de; Zeng, Xubin; Saleska, Scott Reid | |
2013 | What drives the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the Brasil flux network | Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Hutyra, Lucy R.; Araujo, Alessandro C. da; Borma, Laura de Simone; Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Cabral, Osvaldo M.R.; Camargo, Plínio Barbosa de; Cardoso, Fernando Luiz; Costa, Antônio Carlos Lôla da; Fitzjarrald, David Roy; Goulden, Michael L.; Kruijt, Bart J.; Maia, Jair Max Furtunato; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Miller, Scott Dennis; Nobre, Antônio Donato; Von Randow, Celso; Sá, Leonardo Deane Abreu; Sakai, Ricardo K.; Tóta, Júlio; Wofsy, Steven C.; Zanchi, Fabrício Berton; Saleska, Scott Reid |