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2010Acute effects of chemically dispersed crude oil on gill ion regulation, plasma ion levels and haematological parameters in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Honda, Rubens Tomio; Val, Adalberto Luis
2006Assessment of daily dietary intake of Hg and some essential elements in diets of children from the Amazon regionFarias, Luciana Aparecida; Fávaro, Déborah Inês Teixeira; Maihara, Vera Akiko; Vasconcellos, Marina Beatriz Agostini; Yuyama, Lucia Kiyoko Ozaki; Aguiar, Jaime Paiva Lopes; Alencar, F. J.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2012Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest structure and function are mediated by both soils and climateQuesada, Carlos Alberto; Phillips, Oliver L.; Schwarz, Michael; Czimczik, Claudia I.; Baker, Timothy R.; Patiño, Sandra; Fyllas, Nikolaos M.; Hodnett, Martin G.; Herrera, Rafael A.; Almeida, Samuel Miranda; Alvarez, Esteban; Arneth, Almuth; Arroyo, Luzmila P.; Chao, Kuo Jung; Dezzeo, Nelda; Erwin, Terry L.; Di Fiore, Anthony; Higuchi, Niro; Honorio Coronado, Euridice N.; Jiménez, E. M.; Killeen, Timothy J.; Lezama, Armando Torres; Lloyd, Gareth; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Luizão, Flávio Jesus; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Monteagudo, Abel Lorenzo; Neill, David A.; Núñez-Vargas, Percy; Paiva, Romilda Q.; Peacock, Julie; Peñuela, María Cristina; Peña-Cruz, Antonio; Pitman, Nigel C.A.; Priante-Filho, Nicolau; Prieto, Adriana; Ramírez, Hirma; Rudas, Agustín; Salomão, Rafael Paiva; Santos, Alexandre J.B.; Schmerler, Jens; Silva, Natalino; Silveira, Marcos; Vásquez, Rodolfo V.; Guimarães Vieira, Ima Cèlia; Terborgh, John W.; Lloyd, Jon
2003Chemical composition of the fruit mesocarp of three peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) populations grown in Central Amazonia, BrazilYuyama, Lúia K O; Aguiar, Jaime Paiva Lopes; Yuyama, Kaoru; Clement, Charles Roland; Macedo, Sonja H M; Fávaro, Déborah Inês Teixeira; Afonso, Claudia; Vasconcellos, Marina Beatriz Agostini; Pimentel, Sabria Aued; Badolato, Elsa S.G.; Vannucchi, Hélio
1999Crude oil exposure affects air-breathing frequency, blood phosphate levels and ion regulation in an air-breathing teleost fish, Hoplosternum littoraleBrauner, Colin John; Ballantyne, C. L.; Vijayan, Mathilakath M.; Val, Adalberto Luis
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Edaphic, structural and physiological contrasts across Amazon Basin forest-savanna ecotones suggest a role for potassium as a key modulator of tropical woody vegetation structure and functionLloyd, Jon; null, Tomas; Schrodt, Franziska; Ishida, Francoise Yoko; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Saiz, Gustavo; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Schwarz, Michael; Torello-Raventos, Mireia; Gilpin, Martin; Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes; Marimon Júnior, Ben Hur; Ratter, James Alexander; Grace, John; Nardoto, G. B.; Veenendaal, Elmar M.; Arroyo, Luzmila P.; Villarroel, Daniel; Killeen, Timothy J.; Steininger, Marc K.; Phillips, Oliver L.
1998Effects of water pH and calcium concentration on ion balance in fish of the Rio Negro, AmazonGonzalez, Richard J.; Wood, Chris M.; Wilson, Rod W.; Patrick, Marjorie L.; Bergman, Harold L.; Narahara, Annie B.; Val, Adalberto Luis
2015Gill paracellular permeability and the osmorespiratory compromise during exercise in the hypoxia-tolerant Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)Robertson, Lisa M.; Kochhann, Daiani; Bianchini, Adalto; Matey, Victoria E.; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis; Wood, Chris M.
2010Influence of nitric oxide on the germination of seeds of Plathymenia reticulata Benth with low vigorPereira, Bàrbara Luísa Corradi; Borges, Eduardo Euclydes de Lima e; Oliveira, Aylson Costa; Leite, Hélio Garcia; Gonçalves, José Francisco de Carvalho
2016Investigating copper toxicity in the tropical fish cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) in natural Amazonian waters: Measurements, modeling, and realityCrémazy, Anne; Wood, Chris M.; Smith, Donald Scott; Ferreira, Márcio Soares; Johannsson, Ora E.; Giacomin, Marina Mussoi; Val, Adalberto Luis
2015Ionoregulatory aspects of the osmorespiratory compromise during acute environmental hypoxia in 12 tropical and temperate teleostsRobertson, Lisa M.; Val, Adalberto Luis; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Wood, Chris M.
2008Net ion fluxes in the facultative air-breather Hoplosternum littorale (tamoata) and the obligate air-breather Arapaima gigas (pirarucu) exposed to different Amazonian watersBaldisserotto, Bernardo; Copatti, Carlos Eduardo; Gomes, Levy de Carvalho; Chagas, Edsandra Campos; Brinn, Richard Philip; Roubach, Rodrigo
1996Nutritional and mercury content of milk of the Amazon river dolphin, Inia geoffrensisWeber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Lehti, Kesä K.
2018Physiological impacts and bioaccumulation of dietary Cu and Cd in a model teleost: The Amazonian tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)Giacomin, Marina Mussoi; Vilarinho, Gisele C.C.; Castro, Katia F.; Ferreira, Márcio Soares; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Wood, Chris M.; Val, Adalberto Luis
2020Pineapple (Ananás comosus) leaves ash as a solid base catalyst for biodiesel synthesisDe, Silma; Pessoa Júnior, Wanison André Gil; Sá, Ingrity S. C.; Takeno, Mitsuo Lopes; Nobre, Francisco Xavier; Pinheiro, William; Manzato, Lizandro; Iglauer, Stefan; Freitas, Flávio A. De
2017Potassium-Based Geopolymer Composites Reinforced with Chopped Bamboo FibersSankar, Kaushik; Ribeiro, Ruy A. Sá; Sá Ribeiro, Marilene G.; Kriven, Waltraud M.; Colombo, Paolo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2009Regulation of gill transcellular permeability and renal function during acute hypoxia in the Amazonian oscar (Astronotus ocellatus): New angles to the osmorespiratory compromiseWood, Chris M.; Iftikar, Fathima I.; Scott, Graham R.; Boeck, Gudrun de; Sloman, Katherine A.; Matey, Victoria E.; Domingos, Fabíola Xochilt Valdez; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis
2012Sodium fluxes in Tamoatá, Hoplosternum litoralle, exposed to formation water from Urucu Reserve (Amazon, Brazil)Baldisserotto, Bernardo; Garcia, Luciano; Benaduce, Ana Paula da Silva; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Nascimento, Thiago L.; Gomes, Levy de Carvalho; Chippari-Gomes, Adriana Regina; Val, Adalberto Luis
2014Soil quality indicators for different restoration stages on Amazon rainforestViana, Raiane M.; Ferraz, João Baptista Silva; Neves, Afrânio Ferreira; Vieira, Gil; Pereira, Bruno Fernando Faria
2016The transition from water-breathing to air-breathing is associated with a shift in ion uptake from gills to gut: a study of two closely related erythrinid teleosts, Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus and Hoplias malabaricusWood, Chris M.; Pelster, Bernd; Giacomin, Marina Mussoi; Sadauskas-Henrique, Helen; Almeida-Val, Vera Maria Fonseca; Val, Adalberto Luis