Browsing by Subject Rifampicin

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014Identification of primary drug resistance to rifampin in mycobacterium leprae strains from leprosy patients in Amazonas State, BrazilMejía, Matilde Del Carmen Contreras; dos Santos, Maísa Porto; Silva, George Allan Villarouco da; Motta-Passos, Isabella da; Naveca, Felipe Gomes; Cunha, Maria Coelho Graça Souza; Moraes, Milton Ozório; Paula, Lúcia de
1990An investigation of primary and acquired drug-resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Manaus (Amazonas, Brazil)Salem, Júlia Ignez; Goh, Khye Seng; Litaiff, L. R L; Cardoso, M. S L; Briglia, M. F S
2012Tuberculosis diagnosis after bleach processing for early stage tuberculosis laboratory capacity buildingDavid, Susana Correia de Matos; Sutre, Ana Filipa; Sanca, A.; Mané, A.; Henriques, V.; Portugal, Clara; Sancho, Luísa; Cardoso, Ângela; Paixão, Eleonora; Duarte, Elsa Leclerc; Leite, Clarice Queico Fujimura; Salem, Júlia Ignez; Antunes, Abílio