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Showing results 1 to 20 of 473  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Above-ground biomass and the fate of carbon after burning in the savannas of Roraima, Brazilian AmazoniaBarbosa, Reinaldo Imbrozio; Fearnside, Philip Martin
2007Above-ground biomass changes over an 11-year period in an Amazon monodominant forest and two other lowland forestsNascimento, Marcelo Trindade; Barbosa, Reinaldo Imbrozio; Villela, Dora Maria; Proctor, John
2004The above-ground coarse wood productivity of 104 Neotropical forest plotsMalhi, Yadvinder Singh; Baker, Timothy R.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Almeida, Samuel Miranda; Alvarez, Esteban; Arroyo, Luzmila P.; Chave, Jérôme; Czimczik, Claudia I.; Di Fiore, Anthony; Higuchi, Niro; Killeen, Timothy J.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Laurance, William F.; Lewis, Simon L.; Montoya, Lina María Mercado; Monteagudo, Abel Lorenzo; Neill, David A.; Vargas, Percy Núñez; Patiño, Sandra; Pitman, Nigel C.A.; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Salomão, Rafael Paiva; Silva, Jose Natalino Macedo; Lezama, Armando Torres; Martínez, Rodolfo Vásquez; Terborgh, John W.; Vinceti, Barbara; Lloyd, Jon
2006Abundance, body size and movement patterns of a tropical treefrog in continuous and fragmented forests in the Brazilian AmazonNeckel-Oliveira, Selvino; Gascon, Claude
2004Accelerating deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia: Towards answering open questionsFearnside, Philip Martin; Barbosa, Reinaldo Imbrozio
2008Acoustic and morphological differentiation in the frog Allobates femoralis: Relationships with the upper Madeira River and other potential geological barriersSimões, Pedro Ivo; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Magnusson, William Ernest; Hödl, Walter; Amézquita, Adolfo
2006Adaptations of fish species to oxygen depletion in a central Amazonian floodplain lakeSoares, Maria Gercilia Mota; Menezes, Naércio Aquino; Junk, Wolfgang Johannes
2017Additions and corrections to the systematics of mayfly species assigned to the genus Callibaetis Eaton 1881 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from South AmericaCruz, Paulo Vilela; Salles, Frederico Falcaõ; Hamada, Neusa
2013The adults of camelobaetidius janae dominique & Thomas, 2001 and C. yacutinga Nieto, 2003, with a new synonym for C. leentvaari Demoulin, 1966 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)Boldrini, Rafael; Jacobus, Luke M.; Salles, Frederico Falcaõ; Pes, A. M.
2009Amazon flood wave hydraulicsTrigg, Mark A.; Wilson, Matthew D.; Bates, Paul; Horritt, Matthew S.; Alsdorf, Douglas E.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Vega, Maria C.
2009Amazon rain forest subcanopy flow and the carbon budget: Santarém LBA-ECO siteTóta, Júlio; Fitzjarrald, David Roy; Staebler, Ralf M.; Sakai, Ricardo K.; Moraes, Osvaldo Luiz Leal de; Acevedo, Otávio C.; Wofsy, Steven C.; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar
2008Amazon River dolphin love fetishes: From folklore to molecular forensicsGravena, Waleska; Hrbek, Tomas; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Farias, Izeni P.
2018Amazon sugar cane: A threat to the forestFerrante, Lucas; Fearnside, Philip Martin
2005Amazonia and the modern carbon cycle: Lessons learnedOmetto, Jean Pierre Henry Balbaud; Nobre, Antônio Donato; Rocha, Humberto Ribeiro da; Artaxo, Paulo; Martinelli, Luiz Antônio
2004Amazonian ecology: Tributaries enhance the diversity of electric fishesFernandes, Cristina Cox; Podos, Jeffrey; Lundberg, John G.
2000Amazonian tree mortality during the 1997 El Nino droughtWilliamson, G. Bruce; Laurance, William F.; Oliveira, Alexandre Adalardo de; Delamônica, Patricia; Gascon, Claude; Lovejoy, Thomas E.; Pohl, Luciano
2009Analysis of information used in the management of plant genetic resources: A case study from northwestern Mato Grosso, BrazilVivan, Jorge Luiz; May, Peter; Cunha, Luís H.H. da; Boef, Walter Simon de; Clement, Charles Roland
2008Analysis of the trophy sport fishery for the speckled peacock bass in the Rio Negro River, BrazilHolley, Michael P.; Maceina, Michael J.; Thomé-Souza, Mario J.F.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
2002Anphira junki n.sp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) a gill chamber parasite of Triportheus albus and T. flavus (Pisces) in the Brazilian AmazonAraujo, Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de; Thatcher, Vernon E.
2008Ant diversity in an Amazonian savanna: Relationship with vegetation structure, disturbance by fire, and dominant antsVasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Leite, Marcos F.; Vilhena, José M.S.; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Magnusson, William Ernest