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dc.contributor.authorMello, José Alberto Sampaio Nunes de-
dc.contributor.authorBarros, Wanilze Gonçalves-
dc.description.abstractThe quotes of the Negro River are measured every day since September 1902 until today. This work is based on the years 1903 until 1999. The five highest flooding happened in: 1953 (29,69m), 1976 (29,61m), 1989 (29,42m), 1922 (29,35m) and 1909 (29,17m). The five lowest floding happened in: 1963 (13,65m), 1906 (14,20m), 1997 (14,34m), 1916 (14,42m) and 1926 (14,54m). The five smaller values of maximum quotas were em: 1926 (21,77m), 1912 (24,84m), 1992 (25,42m), 1964 (25,91m) and 1980 (26,00m) and the five of minimum quotas were in: 1926 (21,77m), 1912 (24,84m), 1992 (25,42m), 1964 (25,91m) and 1980 (26,00m). The five larger differences reached in a same year among the maximum and minimum quotas happened in: 1997 (14,62m), 1909 (14,13m), 1953 (12,62m), 1952 (12,44m) and 1916 (12,21m). And the smallest ones happened in: 1912 (05,45m), 1968 (06,10m), 1985 (06,53m), 1974, (06,62m) and 1986 (06,74m).en
dc.relation.ispartofVolume 31, Número 2, Pags. 331-331pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil*
dc.subjectFlow Offen
dc.subjectNegro Riveren
dc.subjectRio Negropt_BR
dc.titleEnchentes e vazantes do Rio Negro Medidas no porto de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasilpt_BR
dc.title.alternativeRio Negro water level fluctuations at the Manaus harbor, Amazonas, Brazilen
dc.publisher.journalActa Amazonicapt_BR
dc.description.resumoAs cotas do rio Negro vem sendo medidas, diariamente, desde setembro de 1902. O presente trabalho baseou-se em dados colhidos entre os anos de 1903 a 1999. As cinco maiores enchentes aconteceram em1953 (29,69m), 1976 (29,61m), 1989 (29,42m), 1922 (29,35m) e 1909 (29,17m). As cinco maiores vazantes aconteceram em1963 (13,65m), 1906 (14,20m), 1997 (14,34m), 1916 (14,42m) e 1926 (14,54m). Os cinco menores valores de cotas máximas foram em1926 (21,77m), 1912 (24,84m), 1992 (25,42m), 1964 (25,91m) e 1980 (26,00m) e os cinco de cotas mínimas foram em1926 (21,77m), 1912 (24,84m), 1992 (25,42m), 1964 (25,91m) e 1980 (26,00m). As cinco maiores diferenças alcançadas em um mesmo ano entre as cotas máximas e mínimas aconteceram em1997 (14,62m), 1909 (14,13m), 1953 (12,62m), 1952 (12,44m) e 1916 (12,21 m) e as menores aconteceram em1912 (05,45m), 1968 (06,10m), 1985 (06,53m), 1974, (06,62m) e 1986 (06,74m).pt_BR
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