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Title: Anatomical and histochemical comparison of the primary and adventitious roots of attalea microcarpa (Arecaceae) at the initial growth stage
Other Titles: Comparação anatômica e histoquímica entre raízes primária e adventícia de Attalea microcarpa (Arecaceae) em estádio inicial de crescimento
Authors: Corrêa, Marcos Melo
Araújo, Maria Gracimar Pacheco de
Mendonça, Maria Silvia de
Issue Date: 2019
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Acta Amazonica
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 49, Número 4, Pags. 311-315
Abstract: We describe the anatomical structure of roots originating from the apocole of Attalea microcarpa compared to the primary root, by means of usual methods for optical microscopy. The adventitious roots are differentiated in the apocole associated to vascular bundles, and can remain as a single structure or branch. They have the basic root structure characteristic of Arecoideae palms, without schizogenous spaces, which are observed in the primary root, in addition to few air spaces. Mucilages, starch and proteins were present in both types of roots. Adventitious roots of the apocole are described for the first time in Arecaceae. © 2019, (publisher Name). All right reserved.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1590/1809-4392201804751
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