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dc.contributor.authorSouza, Diego Pereira-
dc.contributor.authorPimentel, Renah Boanerges de Queiroz-
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Alberdan Silva-
dc.contributor.authorAlbuquerque, Patrícia Melchionna-
dc.contributor.authorFernandes, Andréia Varmes-
dc.contributor.authorDuvoisin Júnior, Sérgio-
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, José Tadeu A.Abreu-
dc.contributor.authorRamos, Márcio Viana-
dc.contributor.authorRathinasabapathi, Bala-
dc.contributor.authorGonçalves, José Francisco de Carvalho-
dc.description.abstractThe Amazonian Aniba species are world-renowned for their essential oils (EOs). The molecules derived from EOs have been intensively investigated in regards to their potential for disease control in plants. The aim of this study was to investigate the antifungal properties of Aniba canelilla EO (ACEO) and Aniba parviflora EO (APEO) when used against eight phytopathogenic fungi. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of oils showed that 1-nitro-2-phenylethane (∼80%) and linalool (∼40%) are the major compounds in ACEO and APEO, respectively. The ACEO and APEO treatments displayed remarkable antifungal effects against Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani, Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum musae and Colletotrichum guaranicola, for which the IC50 values ranged from 0.05 to 0.28 μL mL−1 and 0.17 to 0.63 μL mL−1, respectively. Furthermore, the oil caused the inhibition of conidial germination by at least 83% for ACEO and 78% for APEO. The ACEO and APEO at 5 μL mL−1 induced leakage of nucleic acids and protein, suggesting that inhibition could be linked to the breakdown of membrane integrity of the conidia. In addition, the detection of fluorescent dye propidium iodide (PI) on F. solani conidia treated with ACEO and APEO indicates damage on the conidia cytoplasmic membrane. The findings of this study may be of biotechnological interest for the development of new plant protection products, with the advantage of being less harmful than the agrochemicals currently available. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.en
dc.relation.ispartofVolume 143pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil*
dc.subjectAgricultural Chemicalsen
dc.subjectCell Membranesen
dc.subjectCell Proliferationen
dc.subjectDamage Detectionen
dc.subjectDisease Controlen
dc.subjectGas Chromatographyen
dc.subjectGas Oilsen
dc.subjectMass Spectrometryen
dc.subjectNucleic Acidsen
dc.subjectAnti-fungal Propertiesen
dc.subjectColletotrichum Gloeosporioidesen
dc.subjectGas Chromatography-mass Spectrometryen
dc.subjectPhytopathogenic Fungien
dc.subjectEssential Oilsen
dc.titleFungicidal properties and insights on the mechanisms of the action of volatile oils from Amazonian Aniba treesen
dc.publisher.journalIndustrial Crops and Productspt_BR
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