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dc.contributor.authorEspir, Thaís Tibery-
dc.contributor.authorGuerreiro, Thayanne Sá-
dc.contributor.authorNaiff, Maricleide de Farias-
dc.contributor.authorFigueira, Luanda de Paula-
dc.contributor.authorSoares, Fabiane Veloso-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Susi Simas da-
dc.contributor.authorFranco, A. M.-
dc.description.abstractEpidemiological studies have been conducted to better understand the dynamics of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) in the Amazon region where distinct species of Leishmania circulate. In endemic areas, the optimal diagnosis must be made in the earlier clinical presentation to avoid the complications of chronic disease. The scarcity of financial support, laboratory infrastructure and trained persons are the major obstacles in this reality. This paper describes the result of performing different diagnostic methods for ACL in Amazonas State between the years 2010 and 2011. The tests used were the intradermal skin test (Montenegro's skin test), ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), direct examination, culture isolation and identification of Leishmania species. A total of 38 suspected human cases of ACL were diagnosed by different methods, of which 71.0% (n = 27) were positive by direct examination, 75.6% (n = 28) had positivity in the culture isolates and, of these, 54.0% (n = 19) had infection with Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis. The positivity of the intradermal skin test with the leishmanin solution was observed in 77.0% of cases analyzed and the serology with detection of IgG and IgM showed the presence of antibodies in 100% of exams realized results, showing variation in the titles of antibodies. The success of Leishmaniasis treatment depends on an effective and early diagnosis. Parasitological diagnosis is highly specific, but sensitivity is subject to variation because the tissue distribution of parasites generally is not homogeneous and depends on the specie of parasite. Moreover, parasitological tests require invasive procedures and depend on restrictive conditions for the collection of biological sample, which limit their use in large-scale for epidemiological studies. ELISA has been the most widely used serological method for the diagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) as it is easy to perform and has a low cost. However, flaws in specificity are observed in the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Actually the diagnosis needs to be done as an associated methods depending on the question to be solved. © 2016 Elsevier Inc.en
dc.relation.ispartofVolume 167, Pags. 1-6pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil*
dc.subjectImmunoglobulin G Antibodyen
dc.subjectImmunoglobulin M Antibodyen
dc.subjectImmunoglobulin Gen
dc.subjectImmunoglobulin Men
dc.subjectProtozoon Antibodyen
dc.subjectClinical Controlled Studyen
dc.subjectHypersensitivity, Delayeden
dc.subjectEnzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assayen
dc.subjectLeishmania Amazonensisen
dc.subjectLeishmania Guyanensisen
dc.subjectLeishmanin Skin Testen
dc.subjectParasite Examinationen
dc.subjectParasite Localizationen
dc.subjectPriority Journalen
dc.subjectSensitivity And Specificityen
dc.subjectSkin Leishmaniasisen
dc.subjectSpecies Identificationen
dc.subjectTissue Distributionen
dc.subjectCross-sectional Studyen
dc.subjectEndemic Diseaseen
dc.subjectEvaluation Studyen
dc.subjectHypersensitivity, Delayeden
dc.subjectIntracutaneous Testen
dc.subjectIsolation And Purificationen
dc.subjectLeishmania Guyanensisen
dc.subjectLeishmaniasis, Mucocutaneousen
dc.subjectMiddle Ageden
dc.subjectYoung Adulten
dc.subjectAntibodies, Protozoanen
dc.subjectCross-sectional Studiesen
dc.subjectEndemic Diseasesen
dc.subjectEnzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assayen
dc.subjectHypersensitivity, Delayeden
dc.subjectImmunoglobulin Gen
dc.subjectImmunoglobulin Men
dc.subjectIntradermal Testsen
dc.subjectLeishmania Guyanensisen
dc.subjectLeishmaniasis, Mucocutaneousen
dc.subjectMiddle Ageden
dc.subjectYoung Adulten
dc.titleEvaluation of different diagnostic methods of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Brazilian Amazonen
dc.publisher.journalExperimental Parasitologypt_BR
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