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Title: Extraction of flavonoids from Tagetes patula: Process optimization and screening for biological activity
Authors: Munhoz, Vanessa Marquito
Longhini, Renata
Souza, José Roberto Pinto de
Zequi, João Antonio C.
Mello, Eneri Vieira Souza Leite
Lopes, Gisely Cristiny
Mello, João Carlos Palazzo de
Keywords: Flavonoid
Tagetes Patula Extract
Aedes Aegypti
Antioxidant Activity
Biological Activity
Chemical Composition
Drug Screening
Experimental Design
Extraction And Extracts
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Ic 50
Larvicidal Activity
Process Optimization
Qualitative Analysis
Radical Scavenging Activity
Issue Date: 2014
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 24, Número 5, Pags. 576-583
Abstract: The flowers of Tagetes patula L., Asteraceae, commonly known as French marigold, are used in folk medicine as an antiseptic, diuretic, blood purifier and insect repellent. This study was conducted to optimize the extraction process through the biomonitoring of flavonoids, using a statistical mixture simplex-centroid design, to evaluate the effect of the solvents water, ethanol and acetone, as well as mixtures of these solvents, assessed by the total flavonoid content. The extracts were tested for dry residue, radical scavenging activity, chromatographic profile, and larvicidal activity. The acetone extract had the highest total flavonoid content, 25.13 ± 1.02% (4.07%); and the best radical scavenging activity, with IC50 of 15.74 μg/ml ± 1.09 (6.92%), but with lower dry residue, 6.62 ± 1.33% (20.10%). The water extracts showed higher levels of dry residue, but lower total flavonoid content and radical scavenging activity than the acetone extract. The positive correlation between the total flavonoid content and radical scavenging activity of the extracts showed that flavonoids contribute significantly to the antioxidant capacity. The statistical mixture design allowed us to optimize the extraction of flavonoids from flowers of T. patula, with acetone as the best extraction solvent. Preliminary studies on the biological activity of the optimized extracts demonstrated a larvicidal effect of the acetone extract on Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1016/j.bjp.2014.10.001
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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