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Title: Evaluation of natural regeneration in disturbed springs in Lavras, MG
Other Titles: Avaliação da regeneração natural em nascentes perturbadas no município de Lavras, MG
Authors: Ferreira, Marciel José
Pereira, Israel Marinho
Botelho, Soraya Alvarenga
Mello, Carlos Rogério de
Keywords: Asteraceae
Baccharis Dracunculifolia
Vernonia Ferruginea
Vernonia Polyanthes
Issue Date: 2009
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Ciência Florestal
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 19, Número 2, Pags. 109-129
Abstract: This work aimed at evaluating the natural regeneration dynamics in two springs in process of recovery in Lavras-MG, surrounded in December/2003. To do that, two springs were carried out from August/2005 (18 months) to April/2006 (24 months). 122 plots in the total of 5 × 5m (25m2) were plotted, being 76 plots in spring 1 and 46 plots in spring 2. The plots were distributed systematically throughout all the area of the springs. All individuals with height larger than 0.10 m and DBH lower than 5 cm were identified, having their diameters and height measured. Floristic composition, structural analyses and natural regeneration dynamics were studied. In the total, 524 individuals from 24 family and 55 species were sampled. The Asteraceae family was distinguished in species number in spring 1 and the families Fabaceae Faboideae, Myrtaceae and Solanaceae in spring 2. The species Baccharis dracunculifolia and Vernonia ferruginea presented the highest natural regeneration indexes in spring 1, while the species Vernonia polyanthes and Nectandra nitidula in spring 2. The higher diversity index was registered for the spring 2 in the second evaluation, having an increase from 3,324 (first evaluation) to 3,384 (second evaluation). The floristic similarity index registered between the springs was of 20.0% and 18.5% for the evaluations 1 and 2, respectively. During the time of monitoring, it was verified a significant increase of 33.33% and 15.8% in individuals number sampled in springs 1 and 2, respectively. The natural regeneration method presents potential for the recovering of the vegetation of the two springs; however, it is necessary the adoption of control techniques of Brachiaria sp. grass.
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