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Título: Environmental beliefs among youngsters engaged in socioenvironmental groups
Título(s) alternativo(s): Crenças ambientais entre jovens engajados em coletivos socioambientais
Autor: Paz, Damaris Teixeira
Higuchi, Maria Inês Gasparetto
Data do documento: 2019
Revista: Interação Em Psicologia
É parte de: Volume 23, Número 1, Pags. 56-63
Abstract: Environmental beliefs are important constructs for the study of human-environment relations, since these beliefs guide ecological behavior. The objective of this study was to analyze the environmental beliefs present in young people engaged in social and environmental groups. Nineteen youngsters, actuating in four sócio-environmental groups, participated in the study, at the metropolitan region of Manaus. Participants answered a questionnaire with questions about their sociodemographic profile and a scale of environmental beliefs. From the statistical analysis, the results showed that these young people have predominantly ecocentric beliefs and that group engagement helps them strengthen their own behavior in relation to environmental care and personal environmental beliefs. © 2019 Universidade Federal do Parana - Departamento de Psicologia. All rights reserved.
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