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dc.contributor.authorJohannsson, Ora E.-
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Donald Scott-
dc.contributor.authorSadauskas-Henrique, Helen-
dc.contributor.authorCimprich, Giselle-
dc.contributor.authorWood, Chris M.-
dc.contributor.authorVal, Adalberto Luis-
dc.description.abstractGiven the reported degraded nature of DOC in the Rio Negro, and low oxygen, pH, and bacterial riverine levels, we hypothesized: (1) DOC would have strong humic and fulvic acid fluorescence signals with high aromaticity and large mean molecular weight; and (2) photo-oxidation rates would be slow, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentrations low, producing no oxidative stress in biota. We surveyed the environment and properties of DOC and explored DOC photo-oxidation and fish sensitivity to DOC products. DOC properties were investigated using absorption and fluorescence indices and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of excitation–emission matrices. ROS concentrations were measured spectrophotometrically. A native fish, Hemigrammus levis, was exposed to photo-oxidizing DOC and its tissues (brain, gill, liver) assayed for changes in antioxidant and biotransformation enzymes. With respect to our hypotheses, (1) DOC was highly terrigenous, with high SAC340 values (aromaticity), high capacity to produce ROS, and high tryptophan-like fluorescence (bacterial, autochthonous signal); (2) photo-oxidation rates were appreciable, while products were related to mean UV-radiation levels (total radiation was constant). ROS levels were often higher than freshwater averages, yet fish experienced no oxidative stress. Results suggest photo-oxidation influences patterns in C-cycling, bacterial production and community dynamics between wet and dry seasons. © 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.en
dc.relation.ispartofVolume 789, Número 1, Pags. 7-29pt_BR
dc.subjectCarbon Cycleen
dc.subjectConcentration (composition)en
dc.subjectDissolved Organic Matteren
dc.subjectEcological Impacten
dc.subjectEcological Modelingen
dc.subjectFactor Analysisen
dc.subjectMicrobial Communityen
dc.subjectNative Speciesen
dc.subjectOxidative Stressen
dc.subjectReactive Oxygen Speciesen
dc.subjectAnavilhanas Archipelagoen
dc.subjectRio Negro [south America]en
dc.subjectBacteria (microorganisms)en
dc.subjectHemigrammus Levisen
dc.titlePhoto-oxidation processes, properties of DOC, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and their potential impacts on native biota and carbon cycling in the Rio Negro (Amazonia, Brazil)en
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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