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Title: The responses of understorey birds to forest fragmentation, logging and wildfires: An Amazonian synthesis
Authors: Barlow, Jos
Peres, Carlos A.
Henriques, Luiza Magalli Pinto
Stouffer, Philip C.
Wunderle, Joseph M.
Keywords: Community Dynamics
Community Structure
Habitat Fragmentation
Logging (timber)
South America
Issue Date: 2006
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Biological Conservation
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 128, Número 2, Pags. 182-192
Abstract: We combine mist-net data from 24 disturbance treatments taken from seven studies on the responses of understorey Amazonian birds to selective logging, single and recurrent wildfires, and habitat fragmentation. The different disturbance treatments had distinct effects on avian guild structure, and fire disturbance and the isolation of forest patches resulted in bird communities that were most divergent from those in continuous, undisturbed forest in terms of their species composition. Although low-intensity logging treatments had the least noticeable effects, the composition of understorey birds was still markedly different from the composition in undisturbed forest. This analysis demonstrates the importance of preventing habitat fragmentation and the spread of fires in humid tropical forests, and highlights the need for more research to determine the long-term suitability of large areas of degraded forest for forest birds. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2005.09.028
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