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Título: Factors affecting the use of space by two rodent species in Brazilian Atlantic forest
Autor: Bergallo, H. G.
Magnusson, William Ernest
Palavras-chave: Home Range
Space Use
Tropical Forest
South America
Western Hemisphere
Nectomys Squamipes
Nectomys Squamipes
Oryzomys Russatus
Oryzomys Russatus
Data do documento: 2004
Revista: Mammalia
É parte de: Volume 68, Número 2-3, Pags. 121-132
Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the maximum distance traveled and home range area of Nectomys squamipes and Oryzomys russatus differ between sexes, breeding seasons and species. We also evaluated whether rainfall and food availability influenced the maximum distance traveled. Rats were trapped monthly from February 1993 to January 1995 in an area of Atlantic forest, Brasil. Maximum distance traveled by N. squamipes was not related to mass and was longer during the breeding season for males. There were no differences between seasons in the distances traveled by O. russatus, but larger males traveled further. Food availability and rainfall had no effect on the distance traveled by each species. Home ranges of male N. squamipes were larger than those of females during the breeding season, but home ranges did not differ between the sexes in O. russatus. Differences between the two species in movement may be related to differences in mating systems, which are probably promiscuous in N. squamipes and monogamous in O. russatus.
DOI: 10.1515/mamm.2004.013
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