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Título: | The relative abundance of Brotheas amazonicus (Chactidae, Scorpiones) in different habitat types of a central Amazon rainforest |
Autor: | Höfer, Hubert Wollscheid, Evi Gasnier, Thierry Ray Jehlen |
Data do documento: | 1996 |
Revista: | Journal of Arachnology |
É parte de: | Volume 24, Número 1, Pags. 34-38 |
Abstract: | During a nine week period, we studied the surface abundance of the scorpion Brotheas amazonicus, using 1200 pitfall traps arranged along eight line transects within each of three habitat types in a neotropical rainforest. We collected 193 scorpions of this species. Capture rates in the primary plateau forest and in the primary forest on white sand soil were higher than in disturbed areas. Structural habitat parameters in the vicinity of the trap lines (such as quantity of soil surface litter, number of stemless palms, dead wood and termite mounds on the ground) significantly differed among habitats. Disturbed areas showed lower structural diversity. In a regression analysis the measured habitat parameters proved to affect the abundance of B. amazonicus. We conclude that high structural diversity, ultimately reflecting the availability of hiding places, is important for this scorpion species. This is probably influenced by the predation pressure exerted by the highly diverse predator community in central Amazon terra firme forests. |
Aparece nas coleções: | Artigos |
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