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Title: Age and growth of the South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800), in southern Brazil
Authors: Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar
Haimovici, Manuel
Pinedo, Maria Cristina
Keywords: Age Determination
Sea Lion
South American Sea Lion
Otaria Byronia
Otaria Flavescens
Otaria Flavescens
Panthera Leo
Issue Date: 1993
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Journal of Mammalogy
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 74, Número 1, Pags. 141-147
Abstract: A high correlation was found between the ages estimated from teeth and those estimated by cranial suture closure. The oldest males and females were 16 and 14 yr, respectively. Ages 3-5 years were the most frequent. The Bertalanffy growth parameters adjusted with the Marquardt's algorithm were L∞ = 254.4 cm, K = 0.305, t0 = -1.6 yr for males, and L∞ = 194.4 cm, K = 0.306, t0 = -2.0 yr for females. -from Authors
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.2307/1381913
Appears in Collections:Artigos

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