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Title: Feeding ecology of saguinus bicolor bicolor (Callitrichidae: Primates) in a relict forest in Manaus, Brazilian Amazonia
Authors: Egler, Silvia G.
Keywords: Animals
Behavior, Animals
Feeding Behavior
Food Preference
Behavior, Animals
Feeding Behavior
Food Preferences
Support, Non-u.S. Gov't
Issue Date: 1992
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Folia Primatologica
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 59, Número 2, Pags. 61-76
Abstract: This study is part of a long-term ecological study of habitat and dietary requirements of the pied bare-face tamarin (Sa- guinus bicolor bicolor). One group was studied for 11 months in an area of secondary forest in a suburb of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Three main vegetation types occurred inside the group’s home range (12 ha): capoeira, older secondary forest and campinarana (white sand forest). The tamarins ate fruits (21 species), flowers (1 species), exudates (4 species), and arthropods (insects and spiders). They spent 14.3% of total activity time seeking and eating animal prey, and 9.9% feeding on plant material, mostly fruits. In general, fruits consumed were ripe, small and succulent. Trees used for feeding were low and had small crown diameters. Three plant species (Protium aracouchinni, Myrcia cf. Jallax, and Couma utilis) were used intensively during the three seasons covered by the study period. The concentrated use of 3 fruit species, each for an extended period (one fruiting species per season), provided the tamarins with a regular food supply. Tamarins consumed exudates from holes in the bark of trees of the families Anacar- diaceae and Vochysiaceae, as well as gum exuded from seed pods of Mimosaceae. Exudates were exploited during the dry season and at the beginning of the wet season. Group travel was primarily based on routes connecting the fruiting trees exploited, with foraging for animal prey occurring during travel. Tamarins searched for arthropods on trunks, branches and leaves and in trunk holes. The foraging and feeding tactics displayed by S. b. bicolor are closely linked to morphological characteristics (small size and weight, claw-like nails) that allowed access to energy-rich resources (arthropods and plant exudates) in different strata of the vegetation. © 1992 S. Karger AG, Basel.
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1159/000156644
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