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Title: Comparative study of the litterfaIl in a primary and secondary terra firme forest in the vicinity of Manaus,State of Amazonas, Brazil
Authors: Rodrigues, W. A.
Keywords: Reserva Florestal Ducke
Issue Date: 2001
metadata.dc.publisher.journal: Amazoniana
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Volume 16, fascículo 3/4,2001, página 441-462
Abstract: The present study was performed for 23 consecutive months (1974) in two adjacent plots in the Ducke Forest Reserve (02 '35's; 60e00'W), Manaus-[Itacoatiara road, km 26, to the NE of Manaus, Amazonas.
metadata.dc.description.resumo: Realizou-se o presente estudo em dois tipos de vegetação próximos um do outro, localizados na Reserva Florestal Ducke (2"25'S, 60°00'W) e na estrada Manaus-Itacoatiara, km 26, a NE da cidade de Manaus, Amazonas.
Appears in Collections:Fascículo 3/4 , Ano 2001

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