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2014Chromosomal polymorphism in two species of Hypancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): An integrative approach for understanding their biodiversitySilva, M. R. da; Ribeiro, Emanuell Duarte; Matoso, D. A.; Sousa, Leandro M.; Hrbek, Tomas; Py-daniel, Lúcia Rapp; Feldberg, Eliana
2005Phylogeography and population genetics of the endangered Amazonian manatee, Trichechus inunguis Natterer, 1883 (Mammalia, Sirenia)Cantanhede, Andréa Martins; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Farias, Izeni P.; Hrbek, Tomas; Lazzarini, Stella Maris; Alves-Gomes, José Antônio
2004The impact of microsatellite electromorph size homoplasy on multilocus population structure estimates in a tropical tree (Corythophora alta) and an anadromous fish (Morone saxatilis)Adams, Rachel I.; Brown, Kyle M.; Hamilton, Matthew B.
2004Phylogeny of the orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apinae: Euglossini): DNA and morphology yield equivalent patternsMichel-Salzat, Alice; Cameron, Sydney A.; Oliveira, Marcio Luiz de
1996Riverine barriers and gene flow in amazonian saddle-back tamarinsPeres, Carlos A.; Patton, James L.; Nazareth, Maria
1983Complex-irreversibility and evolutionWalker, Ilse
2017Host associations and turnover of haemosporidian parasites in manakins (Aves: Pipridae)Fecchio, Alan; Svensson-Coelho, Maria; Bell, Jeffrey Andrew; Ellis, Vincenzo A.; Medeiros, Matthew C.I.; Trisos, Christopher Harry; Blake, John G.; Loiselle, B. A.; Tobias, Joseph Andrew; Fanti, Rebeka; Coffey, Elyse D.; Faria, Iubatã Paula de; Pinho, J. B.; Félix, Gabriel M.F.; Braga, É. M.; Anciães, Marina; Tkach, Vasyl V.; Bates, John Marshall; Witt, Christopher C.; Weckstein, Jason D.; Ricklefs, Robert Eric; Farias, Izeni P.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Phylogeography and population diversity of Simulium hirtipupa Lutz (Diptera: Simuliidae) based on mitochondrial COI sequencesAndrade-Souza, V.; Silva, Janisete Gomes; Hamada, Neusa
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014New microsatellite markers for the neotropical malaria vector Anopheles nuneztovari sensu latoCunha-Machado, Antônio Saulo; Scarpassa, Vera Margarete
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Deciphering the evolutionary history of arowana fishes (Teleostei, osteoglossiformes, osteoglossidae): Insight from comparative cytogenomicsCioffi, Marcelo de Bello; Ráb, Petr; Ezaz, Tariq Tariq; Bertollo, Luiz Antônio Carlos; Lavoué, Sébastien; Oliveira, Ezequiel Aguiar de; Sember, Alexandr; Molina, Wagner Franco; Souza, Fernando Henrique Santos de; Majtánová, Zuzana; Liehr, Thomas; Al-Rikabi, Ahmed Basheer Hamid; Yano, Cassia Fernanda; Viana, Patrik Ferreira; Feldberg, Eliana; Unmack, Peter J.; Hatanaka, Terumi; Tanomtong, Alongklod; Perez, Manolo Fernandez