Browsing by Subject Amazonas
Showing results 299 to 318 of 387
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Rare or elusive? A test of expert knowledge about rarity of Amazon forest birds | Campos-Cerqueira, Marconi; Cohn-Haft, Mario; Vargas, Claudeir Ferreira; Nader, Carlos E.; Andretti, Christian Borges; Costa, Thiago Vernaschi Vieira da; Sberze, Monica; Hines, James E.; Ferraz, Gonçalo | |
2013 | Recovery of understory bird movement across the interface of primary and secondary Amazon rainforest | Powell, Luke L.; Stouffer, Philip C.; Johnson, Erik I. | |
![]() | 2019 | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of Amazon hydropower with strategic dam planning | Almeida, Rafael M.; Shi, Qinru; Gomes-Selman, Jonathan M.; Wu, Xiaojian; Xue, Yexiang; Angarita, Héctor A.; Barros, Nathan Oliveira; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; García-Villacorta, Roosevelt; Hamilton, Stephen K.; Melack, John M.; Montoya, Mariana; Perez, Guillaume; Sethi, Suresh Andrew; Gomes, Carla P.; Flecker, Alexander S. |
2015 | Região Metropolitana de Manaus | Silva, Márcio Luiz da | |
2011 | Relação insetos versus cogumelos comestíveis e outros fungos xilófagos em substratos lenhosos | Abreu, Raimunda Liége Souza de; Sales-Campos, Ceci; Vianez, Basílio Frasco; Varejão, Maria de Jesus Coutinho | |
2011 | Relação insetos versus cogumelos comestíveis e outros fungos xilófagos em substratos lenhosos | Abreu, Raimunda Liége Souza de; Sales-Campos, Ceci; Vianez, Basílio Frasco; Jesus, Maria Aparecida de | |
2011 | Relação insetos versus cogumelos comestíveis e outros fungos xilófagos em substratos lenhosos | Abreu, Raimunda Liége Souza de; Sales-Campos, Ceci; Vianez, Basílio Frasco; Jesus, Maria Aparecida de | |
2019 | Response of black-water floodplain (igapó) forests to flood pulse regulation in a dammed Amazonian river | Lobo, Guilherme de Sousa; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez | |
2004 | Response of tree biomass and wood litter to disturbance in a Central Amazon forest | Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Higuchi, Niro; Teixeira, Liliane Martins; Santos, Joaquim dos; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth | |
![]() | 2017 | Response to Comment on "persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition" | Junqueira, André Braga; Levis, Carolina; Bongers, Frans; Pena-Claros, Marielos; Clement, Charles Roland; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Steege, Hans Ter |
2016 | Restriction limits and main drivers of fruit production in palm in central Amazonia | Freitas, Cíntia Gomes; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo A; Cintra, Renato | |
2019 | Riparian zone as a main determinant of the structure of lizard assemblages in upland Amazonian forests | Faria, Ayra Souza; Menin, Marcelo; Kaefer, Igor L. | |
2002 | A riqueza da cozinha amazônica | Yuyama, Lucia Kiyoko Ozaki; Nagahama, Dionísia; Clement, Rosa; Monteiro, Rita De Cassia; Aguiar, Jaime Paiva Lopes | |
2004 | Rivulus duckensis (Teleostei; Cyprinodontiformes): New species from the Tarumã Basin of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, and its relationship to other neotropical rivulidae | Hrbek, Tomas; Deus, C. P.; Farias, Izeni P. | |
2012 | Role of environmental and spatial processes in structuring anuran communities across a tropical rain forest | Rojas-Ahumada, Diana Patricia; Landeiro, Victor Lemes; Menin, Marcelo | |
2017 | Sampling effort and common species: Optimizing surveys of understorey fruit-feeding butterflies in the Central Amazon | GraÇa, MÁrlon Breno; Souza, Jorge Luiz Pereira; Franklin, E.; Morais, José Wellington; Pequeno, Pedro Aurélio Costa Lima | |
2002 | Sazonalidade e padrão de produção de Anopheles darlingi em Comunidades ao longo do rio Negro - Ecossistema de águas pretas, Amazonas. | Tadei, Wanderli Pedro; Rodrigues, Iléa Brandão; Baggio, João Bosco; Lima, Carlos Alberto Praia; Santos, Joselita Maria Mendes dos; Rafael, Míriam Silva; Figueiredo, Emanoel O | |
2012 | Seasonal anomalous rainfall in the central and eastern Amazon and associated anomalous oceanic and atmospheric patterns | Andreoli, Rita Valéria; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Kayano, Mary Toshie; Cândido, Luiz Antônio | |
2016 | Seasonal movements of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in a protected Amazonian floodplain | Mintzer, Vanessa J.; Lorenzen, Kai; Frazer, Thomas Kerry; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Martin, Anthony Richard | |
2016 | Seasonal variations in the stable oxygen isotope ratio of wood cellulose reveal annual rings of trees in a Central Amazon terra firme forest | Ohashi, Shinta; Durgante, Flávia Machado; Kagawa, Akira; Kajimoto, Takuya; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Xu, Xiaomei; Ishizuka, Moriyoshi; Higuchi, Niro |