Navegando por Assunto Dna, Mitochondrial

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2019Effects of environmental pollution on the rDNAomics of Amazonian fishSilva, Francijara Araújo da; Feldberg, Eliana; Carvalho, Natália Dayane Moura; Hernández-Rangel, Sandra Marcela; Schneider, Carlos Henrique; Carvalho-zilse, Gislene Almeida; Silva, Victor Fonseca da; Gross, Maria Claudia
2018Evidence for mtDNA capture in the jacamar Galbula leucogastra/chalcothorax species-complex and insights on the evolution of white-sand ecosystems in the Amazon basinFerreira, Mateus; Fernandes, Alexandre Mendes; Aleixo, Alexandre; Antonelli, Alexandre; Olsson, Urban; Bates, John Marshall; Cracraft, Joel L.; Ribas, Camila Cherem
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2009Evidence of two lineages of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti in the Brazilian Amazon, based on mitochondrial DNA ND4 gene sequencesLima, Raimundo Sousa; Scarpassa, Vera Margarete
2020The evolution of polymorphism in the warning coloration of the Amazonian poison frog Adelphobates galactonotusRojas, Diana Patricia; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Momigliano, Paolo; Simões, Pedro Ivo; Dudaniec, Rachael Y.; Avila-Pires, Teresa C.Sauer de; Hoogmoed, Marinus Steven; Cunha Bitar, Youszef Oliveira da; Kaefer, Igor L.; Amézquita, Adolfo; Stow, Adam J.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013Evolutionary dynamics of retrotransposable elements Rex1, Rex3 and Rex6 in neotropical cichlid genomesSchneider, Carlos Henrique; Gross, Maria Claudia; Terêncio, Maria Leandra; Carmo, Edson Júnior do; Martins, Cesar Henrique Rossinoli; Feldberg, Eliana
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Evolutionary history of the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata before global invasion: Inferring dispersal patterns, niche requirements and past and present distribution within its native rangeChifflet, Lucila; Rodriguero, Marcela S.; Calcaterra, Luis Alberto; Rey, Olivier; Dinghi, Pablo A.; Baccaro, Fabricio Beggiato; Souza, Jorge Luiz Pereira; Follett, Peter A.; Confalonieri, Viviana Andrea
2017Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region variations in four tribes of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PakistanBhatti, Shahzad; Aslam Khan, Muhammad; Abbas, Sana; Attimonelli, Marcella; Aydin, Hikmet Hakan; Souza, Érica Martinha Silva de
2015Genetic and migratory evidence for sympatric spawning of tropical Pacific eels from VanuatuSchabetsberger, Robert A.; Økland, Finn; Kalfatak, Donna; Sichrowsky, Ursula; Tambets, Meelis; Aarestrup, Kim; Gubili, Chrysoula; Sarginson, Jane; Boufana, Belgees S.; Jehle, Robert; Dall'Olmo, Giorgio; Miller, Michael J.; Scheck, Alexander; Kaiser, Roland; Quartly, Graham
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2012Genetic differentiation in species of Anopheles from the subgenera Nyssorhynchus based on mitochondrial DNABorges-Moroni, R.; Fraga, Elmary da Costa; Maia, Juracy de Freitas; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro; Santos, Joselita Maria M.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2000Genetic divergence in mitochondrial DNA of Anopheles nuneztovari (Diptera: Culicidae) from Brazil and ColombiaScarpassa, Vera Margarete; Geurgas, Silvia Rodrigues; Azeredo-Espin, Ana Maria Lima de; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro
2015Genetic diversity and population structure in the Leishmania guyanensis vector Lutzomyia anduzei (Diptera, Psychodidae) from the Brazilian AmazonScarpassa, Vera Margarete; Figueiredo, Adrya da Silva; Alencar, Ronildo Baiatone
2015Genetic diversity and population structure of Synthesium pontoporiae (Digenea, Brachycladiidae) linked to its definitive host stocks, the endangered Franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei (Pontoporiidae) off the coast of Brazil and ArgentinaMarigo, Juliana; Cunha, Haydée A.; Bertozzi, Carolina Pacheco; Souza, S. P.; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar; Cremer, Marta Jussara; Barreto, André S.; Oliveira, Larissa Rosa de; Cappozzo, Humberto Luis; Valente, Ana Luísa Schifino; Santos, Cláudia Portes; Vicente, Ana Carolina Paulo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Genetic structure and diversity in Brazilian populations of Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae)Passos, Joseane F.; Nascimento, Danilo Baia do; Menezes, Rodolpho Santos Telles; Araujo, Elton Lucio; Lima, Kátia Manuela; Zucchi, Roberto Antonio; Teles, Beatriz Ronchi; Nascimento, Ruth; Arce, Raul Ruiz; Barr, Norman B.; Mcpheron, Bruce A.; Silva, Janisete Gomes
1996Hierarchical genetic structure and gene flow in three sympatric species of Amazonian rodentsPatton, James L.; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Malcolm, Jay R.
2017Homogeneidade genética de symphysodon tarzoo (perciformes: cichlidae) no lago amanã, amazonas, brasilHercos, Alexandre Pucci; Queiroz, Helder Lima de; Gomes, Grazielle Fernanda Evangelista; Ferreira, Efrem Jorge Gondim
2011Identification of Neotropical felid faeces using RCP-PCRRoques, Séverine; Adrados, Begoña; Chávez, Cuauhtémoc; Keller, Claudia; Magnusson, William Ernest; Palomares, F.; Godoy, Jose A.
2013Identifying biases at different spatial and temporal scales of diversification: A case study in the Neotropical parrotlet genus ForpusSmith, Brian Tilston; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Whitney, Bret Myers; Hernández-Baños, Blanca Estela; Klicka, John T.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014In the wake of invasion: Tracing the historical biogeography of the South American cricetid radiation (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae)Leite, Rafael N.; Kolokotronis, Sergios-Orestis; Almeida, Francisca Cunha; Werneck, F. P.; Rogers, Duke S.; Weksler, Marcelo
2013An integrative appraisal of the diagnosis and distribution of Allobates sumtuosus (Morales, 2002) (Anura, Aromobatidae)Simões, Pedro Ivo; Kaefer, Igor L.; Farias, Izeni P.; Lima, Albertina Pimental
2016Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite DNA Markers from an Amazonian white-sand vegetation specialist bird, Xenopipo atronitens (Aves: Pipridae)Gubili, Chrysoula; Ritter, Camila Duarte; Motta, Jessica; Farias, Izeni P.; Bates, John Marshall; Canton, Roberta; Capurucho, João Marcos Guimarães; Cornelius, Cintia; Feldheim, Kevin Andrew; Ribas, Camila Cherem