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artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2007Seasonality and diurnal activity of Tabanidae (Diptera: Insecta) of canopy in the adolpho ducke forested reserve, Manaus, Amazonas State, BrazilOliveira, Aldenira F.; Ferreira-Keppler, Ruth Leila Menezes; Rafael, José Albertino
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2004Simulium (Chirostilbia) bifenestratum (Diptera, Simuliidae), a new black-fly species from the Atlantic forest, State of São Paulo, BrazilHamada, Neusa; Pepinelli, Mateus
2006Simulium (Inaequalium) margaritatum, a new species of black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) from the central region of Bahia State, BrazilPepinelli, Mateus; Hamada, Neusa; Luz, Sérgio Luíz Bessa
2005Simulium (Thyrsopelma) duodenicornium, a new black fly species (Diptera: Simuliidae) from the Southeast Region of BrazilPepinelli, Mateus; Hamada, Neusa; Susana, Trivinho-strixino,
2006Simulium nunesdemelloi (Diptera: Simuliidae), a new species of black fly from the northwestern region of Amazonas State, BrazilHamada, Neusa; Pepinelli, Mateus; Hernández, Luis Miguel
2015Some taxonomic and nomenclatural changes in American Mantodea (Insecta, Dictyoptera) - Part IAgudelo, Antonio Arnovis; Rivera, Julio
2005Species diversity and similarity between sites in Tabanidae (Insecta: Diptera) of a terra firme forest (Adolpho Ducke Reserve) in Central Amazonia, BrazilBarbosa, Maria das Graças Vale; Henriques, Augusto Loureiro; Rafael, José Albertino; Fonseca, Claudio Ruy Vasconcelos da
2002Species richness and spatial distribution of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in streams of Central Amazonia, BrazilHamada, Neusa; McCreadie, John William; Adler, Peter H.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1999Stomach content analysis of potential predators of Simuliidae (Diptera: Nematocera) in two lowland forest streams, Central Amazonia, BrazilAlencar, Yamile B.; Hamada, Neusa; Darwich, Sandra Magni
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg1993A Subfamília Gerrinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae) Na Bacia Hidrográfica Do Rio Trombetas, Pará, BrasilSampaio, Raquel Τ. de Moreira; Py-Daniel, Victor
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2009Tabanidae (Diptera) of Maranhão State, Brazil. IV. Description of Dichelacera (Dichelacera) gemmae sp.nLimeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco; Gorayeb, Inocêncio de Sousa; Henriques, Augusto Loureiro
Taxonomia de Dasymutillini com ênfase em Traumatomutilla _Hymenotpera, Mutillidae_ - VERSÃO FINAL (2).pdf.jpg5-Jul-2019Taxonomia de Dasymutillini Neotropical Brothers & Lelej, 2017 com ênfase em Traumatomutilla André, 1901 (Hymenoptera: mutillidae)Bartholomay, Pedro Reck
1997A test of the Janzen-Connell model with two common tree species in Amazonian forestSobral Cintra, R. J. de
2011Three new species of Leptohyphidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Central Amazon, BrazilBelmont, Enide Luciana Lima; Salles, Frederico Falcaõ; Hamada, Neusa
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2005To self, or not to self... A review of outcrossing and pollen-mediated gene flow in neotropical treesWard, Megan; Dick, Christopher W.; Gribel, Rogério; Lowe, Andrew J.
2013Trichoptera (Insecta) from Pernambuco State, northeastern BrazilSouza, Wagner Rafael Maciel de; Lima, Lucas Ramos Costa; Pes, A. M.; Pinheiro, Ulisses
2018Two new species of Brasineura Silva-Neto & García Aldrete (Psocodea, 'Psocoptera', Ptiloneuridae), from BrazilSilva Neto, Alberto Moreira da; García-Aldrete, Alfonso Neri; Rafael, José Albertino
2010Two new species of Dilaridae (insecta: neuroptera) with additional notes on Brazilian speciesMachado, Renato José Pires; Rafael, José Albertino
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013A Unique Box in 28S rRNA Is Shared by the Enigmatic Insect Order Zoraptera and DictyopteraWang, Yanhui; Engel, Michael S.; Rafael, José Albertino; Dang, Kai; Wu, Haoyang; Wang, Ying; Xie, Qiang; Bu, Wenjun