Browsing by Subject South America, Amazonia

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Showing results 4 to 23 of 34 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994The benthic litter-dwelling macrofauna of the Amazonian forest stream Tarumã-Mirím: patterns of colonization and their implications for community stabilityWalker, Ilse
1997Biology and conservation of the Giant Otter Pteronura brasiliensisCarter, Sarah K.; Weber Rosas, Fernando Cesar
1994Biology, conservation and status of the Amazonian Manatee Trichechus inunguisWeber Rosas, Fernando Cesar
1993Biomass and primary-production of herbaceous plant communities in the Amazon floodplainJunk, Wolfgang Johannes; Piedade, Maria Teresa Fernandez
1997Biomass collapse in Amazonian forest fragmentsLaurance, William F.; Laurance, Susan G.W.; Ferreira, Leandro Valle; Rankin-de Mérona, Judy M.; Gascon, Claude; Lovejoy, Thomas E.
1995Community structure of fish in urban and natural streams in the Central AmazonSilva, C. P.
1989Comparative feeding ecology of the Uakari and Bearded Saki, Cacajao and ChiropotesAyres, José Marcio
1991Consequences of clearing and tillage on the soil of a natural Amazonian ecosystemDa, Paulo F.; Cerri, Carlos C.; Volkoff, Boris; Andreux, Francis G.; Chauvel, Armand
1995A Conservation Gap Analysis of Brazil's Amazonian VegetationFearnside, Philip Martin; Ferraz, João Baptista Silva
1988Ecomorphological adaptation to oxygen deficiency in Amazon floodplains by serrasalmid fish of the genus MylossomaSaint-Paul, Ulrich; Soares, Gercilia M.
1989El Niño may affect growth behaviour of Amazonian tressVetter, Roland E.; Botosso, Paulo César
1990Endemism centres, refugia and botanical collection density in Brazilian AmazoniaNelson, Bruce Walker; Ferreira, Carlos A.C.; Silva, Marlene F. da; Kawasaki, Maria Lúcia
1997Environmental services as a strategy for sustainable development in rural AmazoniaFearnside, Philip Martin
1989Forest management in Amazonia: the need for new criteria in evaluating development optionsFearnside, Philip Martin
1996Genetic and morphological variation in Vanzolinius discodactylus: A test of the river hypothesis of speciationGascon, Claude; Lougheed, Stephen C.; Bogart, James P.
1997Lateral migration of fishes in Amazon floodplainsFernandes, Cristina Cox
1992Life History Traits of Shrimps (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) of Amazonian Inland Waters and their Phylogenetic InterpretationWalker, Ilse
1989Litter production and mineral element input to the forest floor in a Central Amazonian forestLuizão, Flávio Jesus
1991The Lizards of Balbina, Central Amazonia, Brazil: A Qualitative Analysis of Resource UtilizationMartins, Marcio
1988The measurement and modelling of rainfall interception by Amazonian rain forestLloyd, Colin R.; Gash, John H.C.; Shuttleworth, William James; De, A.