Browsing by Subject Food Intake

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Accumulation of dietary and aqueous cadmium into the epidermal mucus of the discus fish Symphysodon sp.Maunder, Richard J.; Buckley, Jonathan; Val, Adalberto Luis; Sloman, Katherine A.
2015Biochemical and behavioral responses of the Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum to crude oil: The effect of oil layer on water surfaceKochhann, Daiani; Jardim, Manoela Meyersieck; Valdez Domingos, Fab?ola Xochilt; Val, Adalberto Luis
1996Deforestation and methane release from termites in AmazoniaMartius, Christopher; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Bandeira, Adelmar Gomes; Waßmann, Reiner
2017Effects of climate scenarios on the growth and physiology of the Amazonian fish tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae)Oliveira, Alzira Miranda de; Val, Adalberto Luis
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2020Feeding strategies differentiate four detritivorous curimatids in the AmazonFarago, Thatyla; Borba, Gabriel Costa; Amadio, Sidineia Aparecida; Oliveira, Joicyeny; Santos, Geraldo; Val, Adalberto Luis; Ferreira, Efrem J.G.
2013Guarana: Revisiting a highly caffeinated plant from the AmazonSchimpl, Flávia Camila; Silva, José Ferreira da; Gonçalves, José Francisco de Carvalho; Mazzafera, Paulo
2012Mercury concentration in the spectacled caiman and black caiman (Alligatoridae) of the Amazon: Implications for human healthSchneider, Larissa; Peleja, Reinaldo Pacheco; Kluczkovski, Augusto; Freire, Guilherme Martinez; Marioni, Boris; Vogt, Richard Carl; Silveira, Ronis da
2018Physiological impacts and bioaccumulation of dietary Cu and Cd in a model teleost: The Amazonian tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)Giacomin, Marina Mussoi; Vilarinho, Gisele C.C.; Castro, Katia F.; Ferreira, Márcio Soares; Duarte, Rafael Mendonça; Wood, Chris M.; Val, Adalberto Luis
2014Seasonal changes in the use of feeding resources by fish in stands of aquatic macrophytes in an Amazonian floodplain, BrazilRöpke, Cristhiana Paula; Ferreira, Efrem J.G.; Zuanon, Jansen