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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Avança Brasil: Environmental and social consequences of Brazil's planned infrastructure in AmazoniaFearnside, Philip Martin
2008Biological monitoring in the Amazon: Recent progress and future needsFerraz, Gonçalo; Marinelli, Carlos Eduardo; Lovejoy, Thomas E.
1997A distributional survey and habitat model for the endangered northern bettong Bettongia tropica in tropical QueenslandLaurance, William F.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Food consumption as an indicator of the conservation of natural resources in riverine communities of the Brazilian AmazonIsaac, Victoria Judith; Almeida, Morgana C.; Giarrizzo, Tommaso; Deus, Claudia P.; Vale, Rozeilza; Klein, Gilmar; Begossi, Alpina
1989Forest management in Amazonia: the need for new criteria in evaluating development optionsFearnside, Philip Martin
1995Loss of yield caused by soil erosion on sandy soils in the UKBiot, Y.; Lu, X. X.