Browsing by Subject Time Series Analysis
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2002 | Forest regeneration on abandoned clearances in Central Amazonia | Lucas, Richard; Honzák, Miroslav; Amaral, Iêda Leão do; Curran, Paul J.; Foody, Giles M. | |
2018 | Life cycle of bamboo in the southwestern Amazon and its relation to fire events | Dalagnol, Ricardo; Wagner, Fabien H.; Galvão, L. S.; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Aragao, L. E.O.C. | |
2019 | Observations of particulate matter, NO2, SO2, O3, H2S and selected VOCs at a semi-urban environment in the Amazon region | Paralovo, Sarah L.; Barbosa, Cybelli G.G.; Carneiro, Isabela P.S.; Kurzlop, Priscila; Borillo, Guilherme C.; Schiochet, Maria Fernanda C.; Godoi, Ana Flávia Locateli; Yamamoto, Carlos Itsuo; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de; Andreoli, Rita Valéria; Ribeiro, Igor Oliveira; Manzi, Antônio Ocimar; Kourtchev, Ivan N.; Bustillos, José Oscar Viega; Martin, Scot T.; Godoi, Ricardo Henrique Moreton | |
2005 | Seasonal fluctuations in the mass of the Amazon River system and Earth's elastic response | Bevis, Michael G.; Alsdorf, Douglas E.; Kendrick, Eric C.; Fortes, Luiz Paulo Souto; Forsberg, Bruce Rider; Smalley, Robert F.; Becker, Janet M. | |
2017 | Spatial and temporal dynamics of shifting cultivation in the middle-Amazonas river: Expansion and intensification | Jakovac, Catarina Conte; Dutrieux, Lo?c Paul; Siti, Latifah; Pena-Claros, Marielos; Bongers, Frans | |
2013 | The steady-state mosaic of disturbance and succession across an old-growth central Amazon forest landscape | Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Negrón-Juárez, Robinson I.; Marra, Daniel Magnabosco; Di Vittorio, Alan V.; Tews, Jörg; Roberts, Dar A.; Ribeiro, Gabriel Henrique Pires de Mello; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Higuchi, Niro | |
2015 | Successional dynamics in Neotropical forests are as uncertain as they are predictable | Norden, Natalia; Angarita, Héctor A.; Bongers, Frans; Martínez-Ramos, Miguel; Cerda, Iñigo Granzow de La; Van Breugel, Michiel; Lebrija-Trejos, Edwin E.; Meave, Jorge A.; Vandermeer, John H.; Williamson, G. Bruce; Finegan, Bryan; Mesquita, Rita de Cássia Guimarães; Chazdon, Robin L. |