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artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014Unexpected high diversity of galling insects in the Amazonian upper canopy: The savanna out thereJulião, Genimar Rebouças; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Fernandes, G. Wilson; Price, Peter W.
2020Unveiling geographical gradients of species richness from scant occurrence dataAlves, Davi Mello Cunha Crescente; Eduardo, Anderson Aires; Silva Oliveira, Eduardo Vinícius da; Villalobos, Fabricio; Dobrovolski, Ricardo; Pereira, Taiguã Corrêa; Souza Ribeiro, Adauto de; Stropp, Juliana; Rodrigues, João Fabrício Mota; Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Gouveia, Sidney F.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2012Use of habitats by non-volant small mammals in Cerrado in Central BrazilSantos Filho, Manoel dos; Frieiro-Costa, Fernando Antônio; Ignácio, Áurea Regina Alves; Silva, Maria Nazareth Fda
2009Vegetation profiles in tropical forests from multibaseline interferometric synthetic aperture radar, field, and lidar measurementsTreuhaft, Robert N.; Chapman, Bruce D.; Santos, João Roberto dos; Gonçalves, Fábio Guimarães; Vieira Dutra, Luciano; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de; Drake, Jason B.
2020Vulnerability of the biota in riverine and seasonally flooded habitats to damming of Amazonian riversBaker, Paul A.; Latrubesse, Edgardo Manuel; D'Horta, Fernando Mendonça; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Zuanon, Jansen; Park, Edward; Dunne, Thomas; Arima, Eugenio Yatsuda
2020Water diversion in Brazil threatens biodiversityDaga, Vanessa Salete; Azevedo-Santos, Valter Monteiro de; Pelicice, Fernando Mayer; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Perbiche-Neves, Gilmar; Paschoal, Lucas R.P.; Cavallari, Daniel Caracanhas; Erickson, José; Ruocco, Ana Maria Cirino; Oliveira, Igor; Padial, André Andrian; Simões Vitule, Jean Ricardo
2019Waterbird community composition in relation to lake physical traits and wetland limnological conditions in the Amazon basinCintra, Renato
2017What governs the functional diversity patterns of fishes in the headwater streams of the humid forest enclaves: environmental conditions, taxonomic diversity or biotic interactions?Rodrigues-Filho, Carlos Alberto de Sousa; Gurgel-Lourenço, Ronaldo César; Lima, Sergio Maia Queiroz; Oliveira, Edson Fontes de; Sánchez-Botero, Jorge Iván
2016When less means more: Reduction of both effort and survey methods boosts efficiency and diversity of harvestmen in a tropical forestPorto, Willians; Pequeno, Pedro Aurélio Costa Lima; Tourinho, A. L.
Why.pdf.jpg2019Why is Amazonia a 'source' of biodiversity? Climate-mediated dispersal and synchronous speciation across the Andes in an avian group (Tityrinae)Musher, Lukas J.; Ferreira, Mateus; Auerbach, Anya L.; McKay, Jessica; Cracraft, Joel L.
2012The width of riparian habitats for understory birds in an Amazonian forestBueno, Anderson Saldanha; Bruno, Renato Saragoça; Pimentel, Tânia Pena; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete; Magnusson, William Ernest
2019Wildfires as a major challenge for natural regeneration in Atlantic Forestdos Santos, João Flávio Costa; Gleriani, José Marinaldo; Velloso, Sidney Geraldo Silveira; Souza, Guilherme Silverio Aquino de; Amaral, Cibele Hummel do; Torres, Fillipe Tamiozzo Pereira; Medeiros, Nilcilene das Graças; dos Reis, Mateus
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2018Windthrows control biomass patterns and functional composition of Amazon forestsMarra, Daniel Magnabosco; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Higuchi, Niro; Ribeiro, Gabriel Henrique Pires de Mello; Negrón-Juárez, Robinson I.; Holzwarth, Frédéric M.; Rifai, Sami Walid; Santos, Joaquim dos; Lima, Adriano José Nogueira; Kinupp, Valdely Ferreira; Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Wirth, Christian B.
2021Yanomamius n. gen., a new genus of tarantula from Brazilian and Venezuelan Amazon (Araneae, Theraphosidae), with description of three new speciesBertani, Rogerio; Almeida, Marlus Queiroz