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Showing results 23 to 42 of 68 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018How many pygmy marmoset (Cebuella Gray, 1870) species are there? A taxonomic re-appraisal based on new molecular evidenceBoubli, Jean Philippe; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Rylands, Anthony B.; Nash, Stephen David; Bertuol, Fabrício; Nunes, Mário S.; Mittermeier, Russell A.; Byrne, Hazel; Silva, Felipe Ennes; Röhe, Fábio; Sampaio, Iracilda C.; Schneider, Horácio; Farias, Izeni P.; Hrbek, Tomas
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014Identification of primary drug resistance to rifampin in mycobacterium leprae strains from leprosy patients in Amazonas State, BrazilMejía, Matilde Del Carmen Contreras; dos Santos, Maísa Porto; Silva, George Allan Villarouco da; Motta-Passos, Isabella da; Naveca, Felipe Gomes; Cunha, Maria Coelho Graça Souza; Moraes, Milton Ozório; Paula, Lúcia de
2018Identifying anastrepha (Diptera; Tephritidae) species using DNA barcodesBarr, Norman B.; Ruiz-Arce, Raul; Farris, Roxanne E.; Silva, Janisete Gomes; Lima, Kátia Manuela; Dutra, Vivian Siqueira; Ronchi-Teles, Beatriz; Kerr, Peter H.; Norrbom, Allen L.; Nolazco, Norma; Thomas, Donald B.
2013Identifying biases at different spatial and temporal scales of diversification: A case study in the Neotropical parrotlet genus ForpusSmith, Brian Tilston; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Whitney, Bret Myers; Hernández-Baños, Blanca Estela; Klicka, John T.
2004The impact of microsatellite electromorph size homoplasy on multilocus population structure estimates in a tropical tree (Corythophora alta) and an anadromous fish (Morone saxatilis)Adams, Rachel I.; Brown, Kyle M.; Hamilton, Matthew B.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2014In the wake of invasion: Tracing the historical biogeography of the South American cricetid radiation (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae)Leite, Rafael N.; Kolokotronis, Sergios-Orestis; Almeida, Francisca Cunha; Werneck, F. P.; Rogers, Duke S.; Weksler, Marcelo
2013An integrative appraisal of the diagnosis and distribution of Allobates sumtuosus (Morales, 2002) (Anura, Aromobatidae)Simões, Pedro Ivo; Kaefer, Igor L.; Farias, Izeni P.; Lima, Albertina Pimental
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2012Isolation and characterization of 25 microsatellite DNA loci for Anopheles albitarsis sensu lato and inter-specific amplification in 5 congeneric species.Guimarães-Marques, Giselle Moura; Batista, Jacqueline da Silva; Guimarães, H. M.; Naice-Daou, M. V.; Lima, M. P.; Formiga, Kyara M.; Santos, Joselita Maria M.; Lima, A. C.; Rafael, Míriam Silva
JAK-STAT.pdf.jpg2011The JAK-STAT pathway controls Plasmodium vivax load in early stages of Anopheles aquasalis infectionBahia, Ana Cristina; Kubota, Marina S.; Tempone, Antônio Jorge; Araújo, Helena R. C.; Guedes, Bruno A. M.; Orfanó, Alessandra Silva; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro; Ríos-Velásquez, Cláudia María; Han, Yeonsoo; Secundino, Nagilá Francinete Costa; Barillas-Mury, Carolina V.; Pimenta, Paulo Filemon Paolucci; Traub-Csekö, Yara Maria
2017Karyotypic Comparison of Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) (Characiformes, Erythrinidae) in Central AmazonCorrêa, Guimarães, Erika Milena; Carvalho, Natália Dayane Moura; Schneider, Carlos Henrique; Feldberg, Eliana; Gross, Maria Claudia
2016Loss of genetic diversity in farmed populations of Colossoma macropomum estimated by microsatellitesSantos, C. H.A.; Santana, Givanildo Ximenes; Sá Leitão, C. S.; Paula-Silva, Maria Nazaré N.; Almeida-Val, Vera Maria Fonseca
2012Microsatellite loci for tucumã of Amazonas (Astrocaryum aculeatum) and amplification in other ArecaceaeRamos, Santiago Linorio Ferreyra; Macedo, Jeferson Luis Vasconcelos de; Lopes, Maria Teresa Gomes; Batista, Jacqueline da Silva; Formiga, Kyara M.; Silva, Perla Pimentel da; Saulo-Machado, Antonio C.; Veasey, Elizabeth Ann
2012Microsatellite primers for an Amazonian lowland tropical tree, Protium subserratum (Burseraceae)Misiewicz, Tracy M.; Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo A; Van Antwerp Fine, Paul
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Mitochondrial DNA detects a complex evolutionary history with pleistocene epoch divergence for the neotropical malaria vector Anopheles nuneztovari sensu latoScarpassa, Vera Margarete; Conn, Jan E.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2006Molecular differentiation in natural populations of Anopheles oswaldoi sensu lato (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Brazilian Amazon, using sequences of the COI gene from mitochondrial DNAScarpassa, Vera Margarete; Conn, Jan E.
1997Molecular insights into the phylogeny of mormyriform fishes and the evolution of their electric organsAlves-Gomes, José Antônio; Rose, Carl D.
2012Molecular signature of the D-loop in the brown pencilfish Nannostomus eques (Characiformes, Lebiasinidae) reveals at least two evolutionary units in the Rio Negro basin, BrazilTerêncio, Maria Leandra; Schneider, Carlos Henrique; Porto, Jorge Ivan Rebelo
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013Molecular taxonomy and evolutionary hypothesis concerning Astyanax fasciatus (Characiformes, Characidae) from Vila Velha State park and Tibagi and Iguaçu RiversMatoso, D. A.; Silva, M. R. da; Artoni, Roberto Ferreira; Torres, Rodrigo Augusto
2020Molecular taxonomy and phylogenetic inferences of Bichromomyia flaviscutellata complex based on the COI gene DNA barcode regionMelo, Leonardo Barroso de; Alencar, Ronildo Baiatone; Scarpassa, Vera Margarete
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013Molecular taxonomy of the two Leishmania vectors Lutzomyia umbratilis and Lutzomyia anduzei (Diptera: Psychodidae) from the Brazilian AmazonScarpassa, Vera Margarete; Alencar, Ronildo Baiatone