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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2015 | Amazon dams and waterways: Brazil’s Tapajós Basin plans | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2009 | Analysis of information used in the management of plant genetic resources: A case study from northwestern Mato Grosso, Brazil | Vivan, Jorge Luiz; May, Peter; Cunha, Luís H.H. da; Boef, Walter Simon de; Clement, Charles Roland |
| 2002 | Avança Brasil: Environmental and social consequences of Brazil's planned infrastructure in Amazonia | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2006 | BR-319: Brazil's Manaus-Porto Velho Highway and the potential impact of linking the Arc of Deforestation to Central Amazonia | Fearnside, Philip Martin; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de |
| 2012 | Brazil's Amazon forest in mitigating global warming: Unresolved controversies | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 1989 | Brazil's Balbina Dam: Environment versus the legacy of the Pharaohs in Amazonia | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2007 | Brazil's Cuiabá- Santarém (BR-163) Highway: The environmental cost of paving a soybean corridor through the Amazon | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2005 | Brazil's Samuel Dam: Lessons for hydroelectric development policy and the environment in Amazonia | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2015 | Brazil's São Luiz do Tapajós dam: The art of cosmetic environmental impact assessments | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2017 | Building capacity in biodiversity monitoring at the global scale | Schmeller, Dirk S.; Böhm, Monika; Arvanitidis, Christos; Barber-Meyer, Shannon M.; Brummitt, Neil Alistair; Chandler, Mark; Chatzinikolaou, Eva; Costello, Mark; Ding, Hui; García-Moreno, Jaime; Gill, Michael J.; Haase, Peter; Jones, Miranda C.; Juillard, Romain; Magnusson, William Ernest; Martin, Corinne S.; McGeoch, Melodie A.; Mihoub, Jean Baptiste; Pettorelli, Nathalie W.; Proença, Vânia M.; Peng, Cui; Regan, Eugenie Christine; Schmiedel, Ute; Simaika, John P.; Weatherdon, Lauren V.; Waterman, Carly; Xu, Haigen; Belnap, Jayne |
| 2018 | Challenges for sustainable development in Brazilian Amazonia | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2006 | Containing destruction from Brazil's Amazon highways: Now is the time to give weight to the environment in decision-making | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 1996 | The Cotingo Dam as a test of Brazil's system for evaluating proposed developments in Amazonia | Fearnside, Philip Martin; Barbosa, Reinaldo Imbrozio |
| 2017 | Damming the rivers of the Amazon basin | Latrubesse, Edgardo Manuel; Arima, Eugenio Yatsuda; Dunne, Thomas; Park, Edward; Baker, Victor R.; D'Horta, Fernando Mendonça; Wight, Charles; Wittmann, Florian Karl; Zuanon, Jansen; Baker, Paul A.; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Norgaard, Richard B.; Filizola, Naziano Pantoja; Ansar, Atif; Flyvbjerg, Bent; Stevaux, José Cândido |
| 2006 | Dams in the Amazon: Belo Monte and Brazil's hydroelectric development of the Xingu River Basin | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2017 | Effect of species-counting protocols and the spatial distribution of effort on rarefaction curves in relation to decision making in environmental-impact assessments | Koblitz, Rodrigo Vasconcelos; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Menin, Marcelo; Rojas, Diana Patricia; Condrati, Luiz Henrique; Magnusson, William Ernest |
| 2001 | Environmental impacts of Brazil's Tucuruí Dam: Unlearned lessons for hydroelectric development in amazonia | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2002 | Greenhouse gas emissions from a hydroelectric reservoir (Brazil's Tucuruídam) and the energy policy implications | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2015 | Highway Construction as a Force in the Destruction of the Amazon Forest | Fearnside, Philip Martin |
| 2012 | How far can we go in simplifying biomonitoring assessments? An integrated analysis of taxonomic surrogacy, taxonomic sufficiency and numerical resolution in a megadiverse region | Landeiro, Victor Lemes; Bini, Luis Mauricio; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto; Franklin, E.; Nogueira, Anselmo; Souza, Jorge Luiz Pereira; Moraes, Jamile; Magnusson, William Ernest |