Browsing by Subject Phenotype
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
![]() | 2009 | Calls, colours, shape, and genes: A multi-trait approach to the study of geographic variation in the Amazonian frog Allobates femoralis | Amézquita, Adolfo; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Jehle, Robert; Castellanos, Lina; Ramos, Óscar; Crawford, Andrew J.; Gasser, Herbert; Hödl, Walter |
![]() | 2018 | Can traits predict individual growth performance? A test in a hyperdiverse tropical forest | Poorter, L.; Castilho, Carolina Volkmer; Schietti, Juliana; Oliveira, Rafael S.; Costa, Flávia Regina Capellotto |
2012 | Characterization of clinical isolates of the Cryptococcus neoformans-Cryptococcus gattii species complex from the Amazonas State in Brazil | Khell da Silva, Babbyngttonn; Freire, Ana Karla Lima L.; Bentes, Amaury dos Santos; Lima Sampaio, Ivanete de; Lucilaide, Oliveira Santos,; Silva dos Santos, Mirlane; Souza, João Vicente Braga de | |
![]() | 2017 | Coevolution between flight morphology, vertical stratification and sexual dimorphism: what can we learn from tropical butterflies? | GraÇa, MÁrlon Breno; Pequeno, Pedro Aurélio Costa Lima; Franklin, E.; Morais, José Wellington de |
![]() | 2008 | Comparative cytogenetics of Carnegiella marthae and Carnegiella strigata (Characiformes, Gasteropelecidae) and description of a ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system | Terêncio, Maria Leandra; Schneider, Carlos Henrique; Gross, Maria Claudia; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Feldberg, Eliana; Porto, Jorge Ivan Rebelo |
2012 | Do the antiherbivore traits of expanding leaves in the Neotropical tree Inga paraensis (Fabaceae) vary with light availability? | Sinimbu, Georgia; Coley, Phyllis D.; Lemes, Maristerra R.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A. | |
2019 | Do zombie ant fungi turn their hosts into light seekers? | Andriolli, Fernando Sarti; Ishikawa, Noemia Kazue; Vargas-isla, Ruby; Cabral, Tiara Sousa; Bekker, Charissa de; Baccaro, Fabricio Beggiato | |
1996 | Enzyme polymorphism in Endotrypanum and numerical analysis of isoenzyme data | Franco, A. M.; Momen, Hooman; Naiff, Roberto Daibes; Moreira, Celia F.S.; Deane, Maria Paumgartten; Grimaldi Júnior, Gabriel F. | |
1990 | Genetic/phenotypic studies on spines in pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K., palmae) | Flores, Wanders B.Chávez; Noda, Hiroshi; Clement, Charles Roland | |
![]() | 2018 | Geographic variation in a South American clade of mormoopid bats, Pteronotus (Phyllodia), with description of a new species | Pavan, Ana Carolina; Bobrowiec, Paulo Estefano Dineli; Percequillo, Alexandre Reis |
2017 | Global patterns of interaction specialization in bird–flower networks | Zanata, Thais Bastos; Dalsgaard, Bo; Passos, Fernando C.; COTTON, PETER A.; Roper, James J.; Maruyama, Pietro Kiyoshi; Fischer, Erich; Schleuning, Matthias; Martín González, Ana M.; Vizentin-Bugoni, Jeferson; Franklin, Donald C.; Abrahamczyk, Stefan; Alarcón, Ruben; Araujo, Andréa Cardoso de; Araújo, Francielle Paulina; Azevedo Júnior, Severino Mde; Baquero, Andrea C.; Böhning-Gaese, Katrin; Carstensen, Daniel Wisbech; Chupil, Henrique; Coelho, Aline Góes; Faria, R. R.; Ho?ák, David; Ingversen, Tanja Toftemark; Jane?ek, Št?pán; Kohler, Glauco; Lara, Carlos; Las-Casas, Flor Maria Guedes; Lopes, Ariadna Valentina; Machado, Adriana Oliveira; Machado, Caio Graco; Machado, I. C.; Maglianesi, María Alejandra; Malucelli, Tiago Simões; Mohd-Azlan, Jayasilan; Moura, Alan Cerqueira; Oliveira, Genilda M.; Oliveira, Paulo E.; Ornelas, J. F.; Riegert, Jan; Rodrigues, Licléia da Cruz; Rosero-Lasprilla, Liliana; Rui, Ana Maria; Sazima, Marlies And I.; Schmid, Baptiste; Sedlá?ek, Ond?ej; Timmermann, Allan; Vollstädt, Maximilian G.R.; Wang, Zhiheng; Watts, Stella; Rahbek, Carsten; Varassin, Isabela Galarda | |
2017 | Horse spermatogonial stem cell cryopreservation: feasible protocols and potential biotechnological applications | Costa, Guilherme M.J.; Avelar, Gleide Fernandes; Lacerda, Samyra Maria Santos N.Nassif; Figueiredo, Andre´ Felipe Almeida; Tavares, Amanda O.; Rezende-Neto, José V.; Martins, Felipe G.P.; França, Luiz Renato de | |
2018 | How many pygmy marmoset (Cebuella Gray, 1870) species are there? A taxonomic re-appraisal based on new molecular evidence | Boubli, Jean Philippe; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da; Rylands, Anthony B.; Nash, Stephen David; Bertuol, Fabrício; Nunes, Mário S.; Mittermeier, Russell A.; Byrne, Hazel; Silva, Felipe Ennes; Röhe, Fábio; Sampaio, Iracilda C.; Schneider, Horácio; Farias, Izeni P.; Hrbek, Tomas | |
![]() | 1996 | Malate dehydrogenase polymorphism in Amazon Curimatids (Teleostei: Curimatidae): Evidence of an ancient mutational event | Magalhães Caraciolo, Mércia Cristina de; Val, Adalberto Luis; Almeida-Val, Vera Maria Fonseca |
1979 | The mechanical properties of proteins determine the laws of evolutionary change | Walker, Ilse | |
2017 | MicroRNAs in Sertoli cells: implications for spermatogenesis and fertility | Procópio, Marcela Santos; Avelar, Gleide Fernandes de; Costa, Guilherme M.J.; Lacerda, Samyra Maria Santos N.Nassif; Resende, Rodrigo Ribeiro; França, Luiz Renato de | |
![]() | 2018 | Phenotypic and genetic structure support gene flow generating gene tree discordances in an Amazonian floodplain endemic species | Thom, Gregory; Amaral, Fábio Raposo do; Hickerson, Michael J.; Aleixo, Alexandre; Araújo-Silva, Lucas Eduardo; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Choueri, Érik Lacerda; Miyaki, Cristina Yumi |
![]() | 2014 | Phenotypic evolution of an Atlantic Forest passerine (Xiphorhynchus fuscus): Biogeographic and systematic implications | Cabanne, Gustavo Sebastián; Trujillo-Arias, Natalia; Calderón, Luciano; D'Horta, Fernando Mendonça; Miyaki, Cristina Yumi |
2019 | Postnatal testis development in the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu), with emphasis on spermatogonial stem cells markers and niche | Lara, Nathália L.M.; Costa, Guilherme M.J.; Avelar, Gleide Fernandes; Guimarães, D. A.A.; França, Luiz Renato de | |
2019 | Redescription of Polichnodes americana Giglio-Tos, 1898 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) with a new record and habitat notes from Brazilian Amazon Rainforest | Mendes, Diego Matheus de Mello; Sobral, Rafael; Silva Neto, Alberto Moreira da |