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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Autonomous sound monitoring shows higher use of Amazon old growth than secondary forest by parrots | Figueira, Luiza; Tella, José Luis; Camargo, Ulisses M.; Ferraz, Gonçalo | |
2021 | Avian extinctions induced by the oldest Amazonian hydropower mega dam: Evidence from museum collections and sighting data spanning 172 years | Pinto Henriques, Luiza Magalli; Dantas, Sidnei De Melo; Santos, Lucyana Barros; Bueno, Anderson Saldanha; Peres, Carlos A. | |
2006 | Can neutral theory predict the responses of Amazonian tree communities to forest fragmentation? | Gilbert, Benjamin; Laurance, William F.; Leigh, Egbert Giles; Nascimento, Henrique Eduardo Mendonça | |
2010 | Complete mtDNA genomes of Anopheles darlingi and an approach to anopheline divergence time | Moreno, Marta; Marinotti, Osvaldo; Krzywinski, Jaroslaw; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro; James, Anthony Amade A.; Acheé, Nicole L.; Conn, Jan E. | |
2016 | Decoupled evolution between senders and receivers in the neotropical Allobates femoralis frog complex | Betancourth-Cundar, Mileidy; Lima, Albertina Pimental; Hödl, Walter; Amézquita, Adolfo | |
2008 | Genomic resources for the conservation and management of the harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja, Falconiformes, Accipitridae) | Banhos, Aureo; Hrbek, Tomas; Gravena, Waleska; Sanaiotti, Tânia Margarete; Farias, Izeni P. | |
2019 | Hydraulic traits explain differential responses of Amazonian forests to the 2015 El Niño-induced drought | Barros, Fernanda de Vasconcellos; Bittencourt, Paulo R.L.; Brum, Mauro; Restrepo-Coupé, Natalia; Pereira, Larissa de Souza; Teodoro, Grazielle Sales; Saleska, Scott Reid; Borma, Laura de Simone; Christoffersen, Bradley O.; Penha, Deliane Vieira; Alves, Luciana Ferreira; Lima, Adriano José Nogueira; Carneiro, Vilany Matilla Colares; Gentine, Pierre; Lee, Jung-eun; Aragao, L. E.O.C.; Ivanov, Valeriy Yu; Leal, Leila S.M.; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Oliveira, Rafael S. | |
2020 | An inverse latitudinal gradient in infection probability and phylogenetic diversity for Leucocytozoon blood parasites in New World birds | Fecchio, Alan; Bell, Jeffrey Andrew; Bosholn, Mariane; Vaughan, Jefferson A.; Tkach, Vasyl V.; Lutz, Holly L.; Cueto, Víctor Rodolfo; Gorosito, Cristian Andrés; González-Acuña, Daniel A.; Stromlund, Chad; Kvasager, Danielle K.; Comiche, Kiba J.M.; Kirchgatter, Karln; Pinho, J. B.; Berv, Jacob S.; Anciães, Marina; Fontana, Carla Suertegaray; Zyskowski, Kristof; Sampaio, Sidnei; Dispoto, Janice H.; Galen, Spencer C.; Weckstein, Jason D.; Clark, Nicholas J. | |
2014 | Kinship and social behavior of lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in a central Amazon landscape | Pinho, Gabriela Medeiros; Gonçalves da Silva, Anders; Hrbek, Tomas; Venticinque, Eduardo Martins; Farias, Izeni P. | |
2018 | Life cycle of bamboo in the southwestern Amazon and its relation to fire events | Dalagnol, Ricardo; Wagner, Fabien H.; Galvão, L. S.; Nelson, Bruce Walker; Aragao, L. E.O.C. | |
2002 | Multiplexed systems of microsatellite markers for genetic analysis of mahogany, Swietenia macrophylla king (meliaceae), a threatened neotropical timber species | Lemes, Maristerra R.; Brondani, Rosana Pereira Vianello; Grattapaglia, Dario | |
2012 | Nesting biology of the yellow-olive flatbill (Tyrannidae, Elaninae) in Atlantic Forest Fragments in Brazil | Anciães, Marina; Aguilar, Thais Maya; Leite, Lemuel Olívio; Andrade, Renata Dornelas; Marini, Miguel Ângelo | |
2019 | On the relationship between suspended sediment concentration, rainfall variability and groundwater: An empirical and probabilistic analysis for the Andean Beni River, Bolivia (2003-2016) | Rivera, Irma Ayes; Poduje, Ana Claudia Callau; Molina-Carpio, Jorge; Ayala, José Max; Cardenas, Elisa Armijos; Espinoza-Villar, Raúl; Espinoza, J. C.; Gutierrez-Cori, Omar; Filizola, Naziano Pantoja | |
2013 | Rare or elusive? A test of expert knowledge about rarity of Amazon forest birds | Campos-Cerqueira, Marconi; Cohn-Haft, Mario; Vargas, Claudeir Ferreira; Nader, Carlos E.; Andretti, Christian Borges; Costa, Thiago Vernaschi Vieira da; Sberze, Monica; Hines, James E.; Ferraz, Gonçalo | |
1996 | The simultaneous diversification of South American Echimyid rodents (Hystricognathi) based on complete cytochrome b sequences | Lara, Márcia C.; Patton, James L.; Silva, Maria Nazareth Ferreira da | |
2017 | Spatial and temporal dynamics of shifting cultivation in the middle-Amazonas river: Expansion and intensification | Jakovac, Catarina Conte; Dutrieux, Lo?c Paul; Siti, Latifah; Pena-Claros, Marielos; Bongers, Frans | |
2013 | The steady-state mosaic of disturbance and succession across an old-growth central Amazon forest landscape | Chambers, Jeffrey Quintin; Negrón-Juárez, Robinson I.; Marra, Daniel Magnabosco; Di Vittorio, Alan V.; Tews, Jörg; Roberts, Dar A.; Ribeiro, Gabriel Henrique Pires de Mello; Trumbore, Susan Elizabeth; Higuchi, Niro | |
2017 | Temporal variation in black-caiman-nest predation in varzea of central Brazilian amazonia | Torralvo, Kelly; Botero-Arias, Robinson; Magnusson, William Ernest |