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Showing results 1 to 20 of 146  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Abnormal hermaphroditism in Pellona flavipinnis (Clupeiformes: Pristigasteridae)Colaço-Fernandes, Talles; Amadio, Sidineia Aparecida
2015Acoustic characteristics of biosonar sounds of free-ranging botos (Inia geoffrensis) and tucuxis (Sotalia fluviatilis) in the Negro River, Amazon, BrazilYamamoto, Yukiko; Akamatsu, Tomonari; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Yoshida, Yayoi; Kohshima, Shiro
2014Additional morphological information on Dipteropeltis hirundo Calman, 1912, and a description of Dipteropeltis campanaformis n. sp. (Crustacea: Branchiura) from two characiform benthopelagic fish hosts from two Northern rivers of the Brazilian AmazonNeethling, Lourelle Alicia Martins; Oliveira-Malta, José Celso de; Avenant-Oldewage, Annemarié
2012The Amazon basin in transitionDavidson, Eric Aa; Araüjo, Alessandro Carioca de; Artaxo, Paulo; Balch, Jennifer K.; Brown, Irving Foster; Bustamante, Mercedes M.C.; Coe, Michael T.; DeFries, Ruth S.; Keller, Michael; Longo, Marcos; Munger, J. William; Schroeder, Wilfrid; Soares-Filho, Britaldo Silveira; Souza, Carlos Moreira; Wofsy, Steven C.
2015Amazon dams and waterways: Brazil’s Tapajós Basin plansFearnside, Philip Martin
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2017Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) modify biosonar output level and directivity during prey interception in the wildLadegaard, Michael; Jensen, Frants H.; Beedholm, Kristian; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Madsen, Peter Teglberg T.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) use a high-frequency short-range biosonarLadegaard, Michael; Jensen, Frants H.; Freitas, Mafalda de; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Madsen, Peter Teglberg T.
2004Amazonian ecology: Tributaries enhance the diversity of electric fishesFernandes, Cristina Cox; Podos, Jeffrey; Lundberg, John G.
2018An analysis of the influence of the local effects of climatic and hydrological factors affecting new malaria cases in riverine areas along the Rio Negro and surrounding Puraquequara Lake, Amazonas, BrazilCoutinho, Paulo Eduardo Guzzo; Cândido, Luiz Antônio; Tadei, Wanderli Pedro; Silva Junior, Urbano Lopes da; Correa, Honorly Katia Mestre
2017Are fluvial islands “real” islands for arboreal mammals? Uncovering the effect of patch size under the species–area relationshipRabelo, Rafael M.; Bicca-Marques, Júlio César; Aragón, Susan; Nelson, Bruce Walker
2021Avian extinctions induced by the oldest Amazonian hydropower mega dam: Evidence from museum collections and sighting data spanning 172 yearsPinto Henriques, Luiza Magalli; Dantas, Sidnei De Melo; Santos, Lucyana Barros; Bueno, Anderson Saldanha; Peres, Carlos A.
2015Biochemical and behavioral responses of the Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum to crude oil: The effect of oil layer on water surfaceKochhann, Daiani; Jardim, Manoela Meyersieck; Valdez Domingos, Fab?ola Xochilt; Val, Adalberto Luis
2014Black-fly assemblage distribution patterns in streams in disturbed areas in southern BrazilCouceiro, Sheyla R.M.; Hamada, Neusa; Sagot, Lúcia Beatriz; Pepinelli, Mateus
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Boto (Inia geoffrensis-Cetacea: Iniidae) aggregations in two provisioning sites in the lower Negro River-Amazonas, Brazil: Are they related?Gravena, Waleska; Hrbek, Tomas; Silva, Vera Maria Ferreira da; Farias, Izeni P.
2005Brazil's Samuel Dam: Lessons for hydroelectric development policy and the environment in AmazoniaFearnside, Philip Martin
Coarse.pdf.jpg2018Coarse- and fine-scale patterns of distribution and habitat selection places an Amazonian floodplain curassow in double jeopardyLeite, Gabriel Augusto; Farias, Izeni P.; Gonçalves, André Luis Sousa; Hawes, Joseph E.; Peres, Carlos A.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2015Composition, structure and floristic diversity in dense rain forest in the eastern amazon, Amapá, BrazilCarim, Marcelo de Jesus Veiga; Guimarães, José Renan da Silva; Tostes, Luciedi de Cássia Leôncio; Takiyama, Luís Roberto; Wittmann, Florian Karl
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2012Convergent Adaptations: Bitter Manioc Cultivation Systems in Fertile Anthropogenic Dark Earths and Floodplain Soils in Central AmazoniaFraser, James A.; Alves-Pereira, Alessandro; Junqueira, André Braga; Peroni, Nivaldo; Clement, Charles Roland
2009Copper sensitivity of wild ornamental fish of the AmazonDuarte, Rafael Mendonça; Menezes, Ana Cristina Leite; Silveira Rodrigues, Leonardo da; Val, Vera Maria Fonseca Almeida e; Val, Adalberto Luis
2012Cryptic diversity in the mtDNA of the ornamental fish Carnegiella strigataSchneider, Carlos Henrique; Gross, Maria Claudia; Terêncio, Maria Leandra; Porto, Jorge Ivan Rebelo