Browsing by Subject Triacylglycerol Lipase

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Digestive enzymes of eight amazonian teleosts with different feeding habitsLópez-Vásquez, K.; Castro-Pérez, C. A.; Val, Adalberto Luis
2013Isolation and identification of α-glucosidase, α-amylase and lipase inhibitors from Hortia longifoliaQueiroz, Darlene P.K.; Ferreira, Antonio Gilberto; Lima, Arleilson Sousa; Lima, Emerson Silva; Lima, Maria da Paz
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Lipase activity among bacteria isolated from amazonian soilsWillerding, André Luis; Oliveira, Luiz Antonio de; Moreira, Francisco Wesen; Germano, Mariana Gomes; Chagas Júnior, A. F.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2019Lipolytic Enzymes with Hydrolytic and Esterification Activities Produced by Filamentous Fungi Isolated from Decomposition Leaves in an Aquatic EnvironmentMendes, Danylo Bezerra; Silva, F. F.da; Guarda, Patrícia Martins; Almeida, Alex Fernando de; Oliveira, Deyla Paula de; Morais, Paula Benevides de; Guarda, Emerson A.
2014Yeasts found on an ephemeral reproductive caste of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosaArcuri, Silvio Lovato; Pagnocca, Fernando Carlos; Paixão Melo, Weilan Gomes da; Nagamoto, Nilson Satoru; Komura, Dirce Leimi; Rodrigues, A.