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2002Arachnida at 'Reserva Ducke', Central Amazonia/BrazilAdis, Joachim U.; Bonaldo, Alexandre Bragio; Brescovit, Antônio Domingos; Bertani, Rogerio; Cokendolpher, James C.; Condé, Bruno; Kury, Adriano Brilhante; Lourenc¸o, Wilson Roberto; Mahnert, Volker; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo; Platnick, Norman I.; Reddell, James R.; Rheims, Cristina Anne; Suesdek Rocha, Lincoln; Rowland, J. Mark; Weygoldt, Peter; Woas, Steffen
2017Are fluvial islands “real” islands for arboreal mammals? Uncovering the effect of patch size under the species–area relationshipRabelo, Rafael M.; Bicca-Marques, Júlio César; Aragón, Susan; Nelson, Bruce Walker
2013Arthropod Predation by a Specialist Seed Predator, the Golden-backed Uacari (Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary, Pitheciidae) in Brazilian AmazoniaBarnett, Adrian Ashton; Ronchi-Teles, Beatriz; Almeida, Thais; Deveny, Adrian J.; Schiel-Baracuhy, V.; Souza-Silva, W.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Ross, Caroline; MacLarnon, Ann M.
2012Arthropods associated with nests of Cacicus sp. and Psarocolius sp. (Passerida: Icteridae) in varzea forest near the meeting of the rivers Negro and Solimões (Central Amazonia, Brazil) at high waterGouveia, Fernando Bernardo Pinto; Barbosa, Márcio Luís Leitão; Barrett, Toby Vincent
2010Aspectos biológicos do Cubíu, Anodus elongatus Agassiz, 1829 (Characiformes Hemiodontidae) do complexo Lacustre do Lago Grande, Município de Manacapuru, AM, BrasilSousa, Fabrício Barros de
2013Avian biodiversity in multiple-use landscapes of the Brazilian AmazonMoura, Nárgila G.; Lees, Alexander C.; Andretti, Christian Borges; Davis, Bradley J.W.; Solar, Ricardo; Aleixo, Alexandre; Barlow, Jos; Ferreira, Joice Nunes; Gardner, Toby Alan
2012Avoided deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia: Simulating the effect of the Juma Sustainable Development ReserveYanai, Aurora Miho; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de; Nogueira, Euler Melo
2016Baiting for carnivores might negatively affect capture rates of prey species in camera-trap studiesRocha, Daniel Gomes da; Ramalho, Emiliano Esterci; Magnusson, William Ernest
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2013Base de dados de pólen de espécies da reserva ducke, manaus, Amazonas, BrasilAbsy, Maria Lúcia; Rodrigues, Isabella Dessaune
2010Behavioral modifications in northern bearded saki monkeys (Chiropotes satanas chiropotes) in forest fragments of central AmazoniaBoyle, Sarah Ann; Smith, Andrew T.
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2016Behavioral patterns, parity rate and natural infection analysis in anopheline species involved in the transmission of malaria in the northeastern Brazilian Amazon regionBarbosa, Ledayane Mayana Costa; Souto, R. N.P.; Ferreira, Ricardo Marcelo dos Anjos; Scarpassa, Vera Margarete
2002The benthic insect fauna of the blackwater forest stream Rio Tarumã-Mirím (Manaus, Amazonas): Patterns of population dynamics and their implications for ecosystem stabilityWalker, Ilse
2013Bichos de Casco do Estado do AmazonasBalensiefer, Deisi Cristiane; Novelle, Soledad; Vogt, Richard Carl; Bernardes, Virgínia Campos Diniz
2015Biochemical and behavioral responses of the Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum to crude oil: The effect of oil layer on water surfaceKochhann, Daiani; Jardim, Manoela Meyersieck; Valdez Domingos, Fab?ola Xochilt; Val, Adalberto Luis
2001Biogeochemistry of Amazon floodplain lakes and associated wetlandsMelack, J.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider
2018Biological indicators of diversity in tropical streams: Congruence in the similarity of invertebrate assemblagesBrito, Janaina G.; Martins, Renato Tavares; Oliveira, Vívian Campos de; Hamada, Neusa; Nessimian, Jorge; Hughes, Robert Mason; Ferraz, Silvio Frosini de Barros; Paula, Felipe Rossetti de
2005Biological nitrogen fixation in secondary regrowth and mature rainforest of central AmazoniaGehring, Christoph; Vlek, Paul L.G.; Souza, Luis Augusto Gomes de; Denich, Manfred
artigo-inpa.pdf.jpg2011Biology and population size of the Golden Parakeet (Guaruba guarouba) in western Pará, Brazil, with recommendations for conservationLaranjeiras, Thiago Orsi
2018Biomass burning and carbon monoxide patterns in Brazil during the extreme drought years of 2005, 2010, and 2015Ribeiro, Igor Oliveira; Andreoli, Rita Valéria; Kayano, Mary Toshie; Sousa, Thaiane R.; Medeiros, Adan Sady S.; Godoi, Ricardo Henrique Moreton; Godoi, Ana Flávia Locateli; Duvoisin, Sérgio Jr; Martin, Scot T.; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de
2016Bird Communities in Amazonian White-Sand Vegetation Patches: Effects of Landscape Configuration and Biogeographic ContextBorges, Sérgio Henrique; Cornelius, Cintia; Moreira, Marcelo P.; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Conh-Haft, Mario; Capurucho, João Marcos Guimarães; Vargas, Claudeir Ferreira; Almeida, Ricardo Afonso