Browsing by Subject Amazonas
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2002 | Arachnida at 'Reserva Ducke', Central Amazonia/Brazil | Adis, Joachim U.; Bonaldo, Alexandre Bragio; Brescovit, Antônio Domingos; Bertani, Rogerio; Cokendolpher, James C.; Condé, Bruno; Kury, Adriano Brilhante; Lourenc¸o, Wilson Roberto; Mahnert, Volker; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo; Platnick, Norman I.; Reddell, James R.; Rheims, Cristina Anne; Suesdek Rocha, Lincoln; Rowland, J. Mark; Weygoldt, Peter; Woas, Steffen | |
2017 | Are fluvial islands “real” islands for arboreal mammals? Uncovering the effect of patch size under the species–area relationship | Rabelo, Rafael M.; Bicca-Marques, Júlio César; Aragón, Susan; Nelson, Bruce Walker | |
2013 | Arthropod Predation by a Specialist Seed Predator, the Golden-backed Uacari (Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary, Pitheciidae) in Brazilian Amazonia | Barnett, Adrian Ashton; Ronchi-Teles, Beatriz; Almeida, Thais; Deveny, Adrian J.; Schiel-Baracuhy, V.; Souza-Silva, W.; Spironello, Wilson Roberto; Ross, Caroline; MacLarnon, Ann M. | |
2012 | Arthropods associated with nests of Cacicus sp. and Psarocolius sp. (Passerida: Icteridae) in varzea forest near the meeting of the rivers Negro and Solimões (Central Amazonia, Brazil) at high water | Gouveia, Fernando Bernardo Pinto; Barbosa, Márcio Luís Leitão; Barrett, Toby Vincent | |
2010 | Aspectos biológicos do Cubíu, Anodus elongatus Agassiz, 1829 (Characiformes Hemiodontidae) do complexo Lacustre do Lago Grande, Município de Manacapuru, AM, Brasil | Sousa, Fabrício Barros de | |
2013 | Avian biodiversity in multiple-use landscapes of the Brazilian Amazon | Moura, Nárgila G.; Lees, Alexander C.; Andretti, Christian Borges; Davis, Bradley J.W.; Solar, Ricardo; Aleixo, Alexandre; Barlow, Jos; Ferreira, Joice Nunes; Gardner, Toby Alan | |
2012 | Avoided deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia: Simulating the effect of the Juma Sustainable Development Reserve | Yanai, Aurora Miho; Fearnside, Philip Martin; Graça, Paulo Maurício Lima Alencastro de; Nogueira, Euler Melo | |
2016 | Baiting for carnivores might negatively affect capture rates of prey species in camera-trap studies | Rocha, Daniel Gomes da; Ramalho, Emiliano Esterci; Magnusson, William Ernest | |
![]() | 2013 | Base de dados de pólen de espécies da reserva ducke, manaus, Amazonas, Brasil | Absy, Maria Lúcia; Rodrigues, Isabella Dessaune |
2010 | Behavioral modifications in northern bearded saki monkeys (Chiropotes satanas chiropotes) in forest fragments of central Amazonia | Boyle, Sarah Ann; Smith, Andrew T. | |
![]() | 2016 | Behavioral patterns, parity rate and natural infection analysis in anopheline species involved in the transmission of malaria in the northeastern Brazilian Amazon region | Barbosa, Ledayane Mayana Costa; Souto, R. N.P.; Ferreira, Ricardo Marcelo dos Anjos; Scarpassa, Vera Margarete |
2002 | The benthic insect fauna of the blackwater forest stream Rio Tarumã-Mirím (Manaus, Amazonas): Patterns of population dynamics and their implications for ecosystem stability | Walker, Ilse | |
2013 | Bichos de Casco do Estado do Amazonas | Balensiefer, Deisi Cristiane; Novelle, Soledad; Vogt, Richard Carl; Bernardes, Virgínia Campos Diniz | |
2015 | Biochemical and behavioral responses of the Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum to crude oil: The effect of oil layer on water surface | Kochhann, Daiani; Jardim, Manoela Meyersieck; Valdez Domingos, Fab?ola Xochilt; Val, Adalberto Luis | |
2001 | Biogeochemistry of Amazon floodplain lakes and associated wetlands | Melack, J.; Forsberg, Bruce Rider | |
2018 | Biological indicators of diversity in tropical streams: Congruence in the similarity of invertebrate assemblages | Brito, Janaina G.; Martins, Renato Tavares; Oliveira, Vívian Campos de; Hamada, Neusa; Nessimian, Jorge; Hughes, Robert Mason; Ferraz, Silvio Frosini de Barros; Paula, Felipe Rossetti de | |
2005 | Biological nitrogen fixation in secondary regrowth and mature rainforest of central Amazonia | Gehring, Christoph; Vlek, Paul L.G.; Souza, Luis Augusto Gomes de; Denich, Manfred | |
![]() | 2011 | Biology and population size of the Golden Parakeet (Guaruba guarouba) in western Pará, Brazil, with recommendations for conservation | Laranjeiras, Thiago Orsi |
2018 | Biomass burning and carbon monoxide patterns in Brazil during the extreme drought years of 2005, 2010, and 2015 | Ribeiro, Igor Oliveira; Andreoli, Rita Valéria; Kayano, Mary Toshie; Sousa, Thaiane R.; Medeiros, Adan Sady S.; Godoi, Ricardo Henrique Moreton; Godoi, Ana Flávia Locateli; Duvoisin, Sérgio Jr; Martin, Scot T.; Souza, Rodrigo Augusto Ferreira de | |
2016 | Bird Communities in Amazonian White-Sand Vegetation Patches: Effects of Landscape Configuration and Biogeographic Context | Borges, Sérgio Henrique; Cornelius, Cintia; Moreira, Marcelo P.; Ribas, Camila Cherem; Conh-Haft, Mario; Capurucho, João Marcos Guimarães; Vargas, Claudeir Ferreira; Almeida, Ricardo Afonso |